The DNC 2020

I mean by choice and circumstance most of us are not on the front lines of the nightly horror show, it’s true.

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Back when we were doing polls early on in the primary, who is your first choice, who is your second choice, Biden didn’t get a single vote for first or second choice like any time.

Yet, I am going to snap vote for Biden, just because he isn’t Trump.

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Pretty sure there isn’t a single poster happy on this forum he is the nominee


twitter went nuts with this too

they’re just really dumb, but I’d be really surprised if R’s didn’t use that clip anyway because most people wouldn’t know that.

does by default count?

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Yeah most of us had Biden as our least favorite serious candidate other than Bloomberg, and Kamala in the bottom half of the field if not lower.

They almost certainly don’t know how conventions work. They don’t teach politics in journalism school.

We mourned this primary months ago. Now we’re basically evaluating stuff based on the current climate, which is that either Trump or Biden will be president, and we’re desperately hoping it’s Biden.

If Biden wins, progress will be made. It’ll mostly be tepid and marginal, but it also means we’ll no longer be rapidly descending into being a country with totally rigged elections and a dictator. We’ll also likely make some meaningful progress in some areas, like getting most of the kids out of most of the cages.

Am I happy that I had to say “most” twice in that sentence? Fuck no. But that’s where we’re at.


Trolly is right. This isn’t the ticket a single poster on the forum would pick if we were sole arbiters. He is also right that this is the ticket we have. The frustration you see if with the people who want to pretend otherwise or endlessly litigate the primary.

As for progress, I think this is also where a lot of the tension on the forum comes from. You want to see the end goal. That’s awesome we do too. However, it feels like you miss the fact that few touchdowns are made on one play. Some of us arguing that Biden/Harris will be progress are saying a 5 yard gain is better than getting sacked. It’s not a touchdown to be sure, and if things had gone better in the primary we might be looking at a 20 yard gain. Still no touchdown, but better. In the end though, 5 yards is better than being sacked.

Biden isn’t going to end ICE but he is also going to formalize DACA, stop illegal travel bans, and reinstate a legal immigration system. Only 5 yards, but important ones if you are a poor refugee trying to come to America.

All of this it true before you mention Trump. Add him and the idea “they are all the same” or “what’s the difference” becomes just indefensibly silly.

We all need to stop assuming the worst of each other. I respect what you do and know you want the best. We just disagree a bit on how to do it. Those differences are actually minor.


Do you disagree that Obama’s treatment of immigrants and refugees was way better than Trump’s? Doesn’t have to mean it was good. But way better.

Didn’t watch, but is the slogan really “Two Legs Better”?

I’ve said it before, but this unification of the center right, combined with the splintering effect of Trump/Q (after he loses and starts Trump QTV) could be an opportunity to create a new Progressive Democratic Party. My pipe dream is happening! Start with some very safe progressive Congresspeople, and nominate them for both the Democratic and Progressive Democratic parties.

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Are you predicting a three party system? We’re not set up for that to realistically be possible, beyond perhaps a cycle or two.

The ICE agents probably weren’t as big of dicks when they deported you under Obama.


Like I said, it’s a pipe dream. But in states like MA, the two parties could easily be Conservadems and Progressives. Trump could help this along by dragging the Republican party further into conspiracy land. It’s gotta start somewhere, right?

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A psychiatrist would say that there are no mistakes and Joe Biden tonight revealed that he is in fact married to himself, likely through a satanic ritual involving the mysterious substance known only as flubber


The big picture is pretty hopeless. I’m not really bullish on elections or demonstrations/actions. Scott Warren had the right idea. Just help people when you can.

If there’s a Conservadem party it seems like that pushes the GOP more into the direction of like kinda socialist, but extremely nationalist and racist. M4ARA - Medicare for all real Americans and such.