The DNC 2020

The facts don’t bear that out.

Under Obama, 21% of illegal border crossings were referred for prosecution. Under Trump it’s 100%.

Again, the Obama administration might not have done a good job on this. That’s fair. But they were way, way better than Trump. If you can’t even admit that, I don’t know what to say.

The second question about this is whether you think Biden would veto something to protect families at the border. If not, then the real change can come from Congress and Biden is not going to block it. I’d be shocked if he did in that scenario. As a result, we have a much greater chance of holding our elected officials accountable on this issue via calls/emails/letters to our members of Congress.


The parties are undergoing a natural realignment around the political axes, and have been since at least 2015, but probably more like 2009.


PC keep fighting the good fight

Yeah, Trump separating families is a horror show. But Obama put plenty of families in jail together. That’s still pretty bad.

I see ICE staying about the same under Obama, $5.7B to $6.2B - a 9% increase over 8 years, which is probably less than the rate of inflation. I see Trump taking it up to $8.4B, a 38% increase in only a few years.

CBP also growing faster under Trump by a significant margin.

This also doesn’t tell the story of how they’re directed to act and enforce the law. I don’t recall stories of CBP/ICE destroying water caches for immigrants under Obama, but maybe I missed that. Family separation was avoided when possible, and they did their best to place children with family when possible. Now it’s a feature.

I agree. But even if Biden is just Obama 2.0 on this it’s a major improvement. And it’s not like Trump isn’t going to escalate in four more years. We’re drawing really fucking live to executing immigrants if Trump wins.

2020 CBP + ICE budget: $25B
Est. annual cost to prevent next pandemic: $22B

Abolish Ice!

ETA: Abolish borders

Obama increased George Bush’s police state. Does he have to have increased it by a lot to be terrible? He should have been dismantling it, no? Instead he built it up and handed it over to Trump.

How is this controversial? Obama was bad on this issue, but he was way better than Trump. Biden will be way better than Trump on this, how is that even debatable???

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Deportation raids 2015

Are people actually watching this? I’d rather watch Louis CK jerk off in a truck stop bathroom.


I’m not out here saying Obama was good on this. We’re currently separating families as a deterrent. Under Obama it was avoided whenever possible, and kids were reunited with other relatives whenever possible. We’re now separating them as a feature of the system.

Under Obama we prosecuted 21% of illegal border crossings, under Trump it’s 100%.

It’s significantly worse under Trump. These are facts.

I dunno. The Dems don’t seem to make these GOP law and order things better ever. George Bush is terrible and then Obama carries on the status quo. Biden might do the same. What was the last DemE thing where they supposedly tried to help? They gave $4.5B to border patrol supposedly for helping the conditions of kids in cages and they used the money to buy a bunch of dirt bikes.

If you don’t understand that these agencies are evil regardless of who the commander in chief is, then you’re not understanding the obvious. You can’t just tell ICE to be nice.


Ok, this policy was flat out established by Bill Clinton. (not specifically separating families, but trying to cause people to just plain die in the desert - generally, cause suffering as a deterrent)

Are you available tonight?

I’ll be here all week.

I understand that and I want to abolish ICE. But I’m not going to sit out this election because Biden won’t abolish ICE. I expect him to make meaningful progress, and preserve enough of our democracy that we’ve got a chance to fight on this issue going forward.

Again, again, again, again. I’m not shilling for eDems being great on this issue. They’re bad on this issue, but the GOP is way worse and Trump takes it way past what used to be the GOP standard. Biden is likely to be an order of magnitude better than Trump on this issue. I’m not saying we should try to give him the Nobel Peace Prize for dialing it back down to Obama era levels, but I’m saying we should be motivated to vote for that over the alternative.