The DNC 2020

That one deserves a double posting

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zero chance of this. Sheā€™s improved but has a long way to go. Thereā€™s a lot more than just policy stuff that goes into being president.

Also my vote is meaningless.

@anon38180840 - Iā€™m suggesting that you donā€™t want to abolish ICE or are supporting any of that, just that @PocketChads is generally right, whether or not one specific picture or point was exaggerated or incorrect.

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We did all learn from these half jokes about fleeing Trump that the US had one of the most liberal immigration systems in the world, right?

Just saying, everyone sucks, expecting the US to not just suck less than everyone else but also reach an open border ideal is just setting yourself up for depression. Not going to happen, even w/ massive immigration, the new immigrants would then vote to ban the Central Americans or whoever:

A little misanthropy is healthy every now and then.

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Of course every country sucks, but fuck the law. Thereā€™s lots of illegal immigration thank God!

Yeah, like my theory of change in the US is that older people die and that younger people donā€™t significantly change their politics as they get older. I canā€™t find numbers for the primaries overall but I think a simple majority of 18-44 year olds went for Sanders, this was certainly the case on Super Tuesday. Bidenā€™s pitch of ā€œcā€™mon, manā€ and ā€œback to the Obama yearsā€ are for the moment a winning message, at least among Democrats. It might be possible to get some wins on certain issues (out-of-control US law enforcement, ICE) with direct action, but big-picture change is for the moment impossible. People might call that fatalism or nihilism or whatever, but that doesnā€™t make it not true. Just have to hope that the US and the world in general donā€™t sink like the Titanic before we can get some sanity going.

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This is the unfortunate reality. The infrastructure of the government does not really allow for more than two parties and the path to changing it is so complicated and impeded it might as well be considered impossible. You are more likely to see an overthrow of the government to a new system
Before you would have an internal change to a viable system that supports more than two parties.

You might get police to behave more nicely with direct action, you might get rogue cops prosecuted etc, but changing things like mass incarceration requires legislative power.

At the risk of seeming even more cynical, the police shoot dead around 1,000 people every year, but if that number fell to zero in 2021, that would be great for the people who donā€™t get murdered, but nothing big-picture would be achieved. Thereā€™d still be millions of people incarcerated, millions of people without health insurance, etc. Thereā€™s a big gap here between the activist understanding of the BLM movement, which includes prison abolition, police abolition and so on, and the popular understanding, which is that itā€™s entirely about how the police treat black people. If you look at the NBA and WNBA and so on, the message is very narrowly about the limited problem of fatal police violence against black people.


She can learn to golf.

I donā€™t disagree. But, Revolution can be both messy and unpredictable.

Given what Trump is likely to try, we should take nothing for granted and running up the score is pretty key.

Listen, even if you think Biden will be a carbon copy of Obama on this, that means 1/5th as many prosecutions. Also, does anybody think Biden would veto a good immigration bill? Then vote Biden, vote Dem, harass your members of Congress to push for a good bill, and support good candidates in the primaries in '22.

Yeah itā€™s tough to immigrate elsewhere without a job, money, or skills in demand. Doesnā€™t make it right, but our system is more open than many others.

Having free elections to seek lasting change, and having a habitable planet on which to have free elections?

There might be a better bill but not a good one. Like Biden would be better on immigration but our immigration system would still be evil.

I dont see how people can defend our immigration system in anyway. That we let a lot of people in does not get us off of any hooks.

We helped create the immigrants from the Northern Triangle by playing a large part in their civil wars through the backing of despots and right wing death squads committing mass killings and even genocides of indigenous peoples. For decadesā€¦

We with our drug use and drug laws created the cartels and drug gangs people are fleeing death from today.

Then what do we do instead of welcoming all of them in with open arms from the hell we helped create, which would be the moral thing to do. We put them in cages and send the vast majority asylum seekers back into that hell.

We are the bad guys. We were better bad guys under Obama and would be under Biden. But we would still be the bad guys.


Biden is a sack (on 2nd and 10 down by 21 with 8 minutes to go) trump is a sack fumble. Neither is gaining 5 yards. But whatā€™s worse is the biden Harris ticket shows the coach still wants to ā€œestablish the runā€ when itā€™s basically hurry up time if not hail Mary time.


The Democrats are a center-left party. The best outcome for leftists within the party framework might be to hold out for a couple of clear wins on issues such as health care and climate change in exchange for punting on other issues, such as foreign policy. Thatā€™s a trade I am prepared to make, but I respect people who would refuse to compromise.

If the goal is to smash the state, there may be no better sledgehammer than Donald Trump.

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The Democrat motto should be charge into the line, charge into the line, complete 6 yard pass on 3rd and 10, punt.

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This is the argument I have made in the past. And things probably need to get worse before they get better if we seek to bring about the conditions where the country is willing to do what is necessary to move to a new system. I am interested in an abstract discussion of what those conditions are and what we would have to do when things get that bad.


I treat right, center, and left as relative terms within a specifically American context. I donā€™t see a point in arguing about where the American right, center, and left fit within an international spectrum.