The DNC 2020

In a spirit of bipartisanship we are letting cocaine Mitch spot the ball each down. Weirdly he seems to keep spotting it 5-10 yards back from where we think it should be spotted but we’ve written several strongly worded letters so I’m sure we’ll get fairer spots from him in the future.


Seems like the idea right now is to instead have two republican parties, one of which is for the less overtly malicious and one is for the trump people. I’m finding it really upsetting that we’ve had nearly as many republicans speak at this thing as democrats.


This seems like a wildly inaccurate claim.

When you count the montages of “I voted for trump in 2016, now I’ll be voting for Biden” I really don’t think it is.

Edit: it probably is. You’re right. I’m just pissed off

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It’s confusing to me why someone who thinks every politician who has ever lived is evil, every policy that has ever been enacted is evil and there is no hope for progress ever would spend so much on a politics board.


A bunch of these are definitely live to actually happening, right?


Don’t forget someone dry jumping a confederate statue and several calls out to Qanan.

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Your pony is two days slow. :grin:

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Ain’t no way I was shifting through 1,000 posts :grin:

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You didn’t even link to the whole video.

But, since we’ve brought this back up, if I wanted to buy something similar to what Billy Porter was wearing, what search terms should I be plugging into Google? What are the technical fashion terms for the components of his outfit?

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Who here thinks either of those things? Like you define this group specifically based on the fact that they love a certain politician and a certain set of policies that have been enacted in plenty of other places!


I’m obviously being a little hyperbolic to varying degrees depending on who we are talking about. However, I can’t think of a single politician/policy who/ that could escape a few posters ire.

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Dems are to the right of Conservatives on some issues.

Which issues? I can’t think of any off the top of my head.

Healthcare is the big one. The Overton window on Canadian HC doesn’t permit anyone to advocate for the eDem HC position in Canada.

Oh I thought you meant American Dems versus American conservatives.

Sorry my bad. I meant eDems vs. say Harper conservatives.

This is a good football analogy for an English person (right?) talking to a Canadian.