The DNC 2020

lol centrists

I was confused too. This makes sense and I agree.

This forum has a really concerning cultural trend where we increasingly conflate aggressive posting styles as a primary predictor of progressive passion. I think this is actually pretty toxic, so I’m going to keep this semi-regulated and you’ll all just have to believe that I care about this without explicitly telling a bunch of people to fuck off.

I spent two years working with low-SES immigrant families in San Antonio during the Obama years. When Trump started ratcheting up family separations, I started re-learning Spanish again and connected with RAICES/ACLU to see if I could fly back down and volunteer in the concentration camps as a specialist in pediatric psychological trauma. Nobody could get me in. Nobody gave a shit. Nobody viewed those kids as human, in need of help, or deserving of help.

Trump and his cronies have dehumanized the entire immigrant identity and experience. To look at this issue only at the policy level is to be so myopic that it honestly leaves me disheartened staring at my computer. Trump does not care about the suffering of others, and very likely revels in the suffering of minorities specifically. If you don’t think his policies, language, and modeled behaviors have had a profoundly harmful impact on the disenfranchised, then you haven’t been paying attention.

So this is why will I keep going to every protest in my city, crawl through COVID-tainted glass to 360 slam dunk a vote for Biden, and argue against posters who bring nothing but purposeless vitriol to this forum. Because even though the DNC sucks, and Biden is a profoundly disappointing candidate, we absolutely fucking need to see each other as human again - and we can’t spend another four years with a man who literally does not care about child suffering. And sure, maybe Biden won’t tear the DNC apart to rebuild what he want, but voting for him means amplifying the voice of AOC et al., while also ensuring we’re not stuck with another generation-spanning sociopath on the supreme court.

ETA: Chads is awesome, and I view him as a perfect example of someone channeling their passions in a positive direction. I just want to be clear that paragraph 1 is not remotely about him.


I hearted this post so there’s that, but if the policies were actually popular then Bernie or Liz would be the nominee. Like, full stop.

We want it to be one way but the other way is that what they really want is just black-faces-in-high-places so they can pretend USA#1 can somehow ever atone for its evil slaver colony roots, and, for nobody to fuck with their money. Yes, this includes all the black Biden voters.

At this point I have to assign some blame to the the people who’ve been saying forever that centrist Dem shitlibs don’t stand for anything, like even some of my beloved posters here and my beloved Chapos and my beloved Hippo:

Like, holy shit, to them those things aren’t better things! “Pseudoegalitarianism and don’t fuck with my money” is a powerful message and animator, the GOP even pretends it’s theirs!

It’s like they’re taking the ball to the corner up one nil even though they’re only at 75 mins. They don’t realise they’re down 5 - 1 on aggregate and their sole goal will be subject to VAR run by republican appointed judges.

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I kept reading this as a Game Of Thrones character.


Will Biden’s speech be pre-recorded or live?

In other words, the answer was in the question, “rate”.

Night three looks to be more issue based.

A section on gun violence, featuring Emma Gonzalez, DeAndra Dycus, and Gabrille Giffords.

Climate change, featuring Michelle Lujan Grisham and “A Conversation with Young Climate Activists”

“Keeping immigrant families together”, with remarks from an undocumented family and apparently no politicians scheduled for this part

Women in leadership, with remarks from Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Mariska Hargitay, Ruth Glenn, and Carly Dryden

“The Economy”, with Hilda Solis, Sherrod Brown, Eric Garcetti, Cindy Axne, and Elizabeth Warren

Then the main events. Barack Obama speaks. And Kamala Harris is formally nominated by her sister, niece, and step-daughter before giving her acceptance speech.

Is this a roadmap for the issues that Biden will campaign on?

There is literally nobody here who is not experiencing horror. I am also aghast that we literally have kids in cages, I’m confident a Biden administration will stop having kids in cages, and there are people on this forum who are going to stay home and not vote to prove some kind of point, while simultaneously giving half a vote to Trump by doing so.


Put another way, I am far, far, far more confident that protests to stop caging kids will have a much higher probability of being effective under a Biden administration than in a second Trump term.

We need to elect Biden not because he is better on pretty much every issue, but because he is our only hope given the current choices to have a decent future for this country. Start protesting on day 1 of his presidency. Hold him accountable and demand better. Opting not to vote puts us further away from having 0 kids in cages.


Count me in on that. Even if Bernie won i would of for sure still had issues.

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Are you confident that the Biden administration won’t have kids in cages with their parents?

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Maybe, but when the Obama administration had ICE sweeps that arrested 3000 immigrants, what happened? When the Trump admin had ICE sweeps that arrested 900 immigrants, the entire state of California reacted by becoming a sanctuary state.

There are many factors that could have caused the difference in reaction. People are more aware of the atrocities now then they were in 2012. ICE has gotten more insane with their arrests and deportation rules.

Watching Immigration Nation on Nerglix gives a good idea into how ICE has changed since Trumps election. Here’s a hint: it’s not better. All of the employees openly state that the Trump admin has made things worse for immigrants. Many of them are proud of that.

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If we really care about kids in cages - their outlook has to be much much worse with a Trump-packed SCOTUS and whatever other further destruction of our democracy he has planned - right?

Like second term Trump is possibly drawing live to literal death camps for those kids.

I mean, family separation alone makes Florida Man’s ICE worse than Obama’s ICE.

Sure, but the other thing is liberals are way way way more attuned to problems under the Trump admin and these things go without wide notice when a Democrat is POTUS. And when ICE has a raid under Biden, it’ll be covered on Democracy Now! and 95% of Democrats will just say, “Ok, that’s bad, but Trump was worse” instead of pressuring people to stop cooperating with the Federal Government.

This is a very confusing take. Somehow it’s better when there is more harm because there is more action too?

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