The C-Word

Grunching, I can’t imaging being around someone who tells me that they find a word I’m using offensive even if I didn’t mean it that way and continuing to use it.

I would probably say “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. That word means ______ to me but I will stop using it”

This is just another silly thread I guess.


Is this another difference in meaning with the word “obsession” this time? Because over here, you’re way off.

If you must know I’ve had as little to do with him as possible recently.

Yeah sure, that’s exactly how it was communicated lol.

I’m out of this thread (until someone bumps it).

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Ah yes, the good old “It’s only being used in the British sports thread” argument. Let’s go ahead and fact check that one again:

Fact Check Rating: 4 Pinocchios

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We had a poll and the community spoke. You would be directly disregarding the will of this community by proceeding in this manner. You should reconsider or step down from modding imo.


The contents of the Wookie’s post ultimately linked in your post has not aged well - ironically just a few weeks after post date, it is shit - unproven at the time but looking like shaky wishcasting now (IMO)

Stop quoting me

sees 90 new posts in the c-word thread



lol, stop using an offensive and misogynistic term and I won’t quote you when you use it.

LOL at Euros thinking Americans still use the word Spaz. That word was totally atrophied here by the 1980s.

So, dude, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you say the plan is going?


RIght, which is an example of my point, and is why you’re not a douche.

Some talk about their gun.



Can a user apply this filter to specific posters? Because I am intrigued by this feature.

How the hell did you make this so fast. Photoshop wizards are magic.

It’s not photoshop.

why did you geniuses just put like 80 new posts in this thread? The hell is going on here?

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For a second I thought this thread would fade away after the phantom bump. Should have known better.

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Muh bad

LOL at thinking Sp_z or B_rg_rs isn’t offensive. Is anyone making this argument? It’s exactly saying someone is R_t_rd_d. I hate myself every time I say that one but it pops out occasionally from habit when I’m really frustrated. Inc_l, C_ckl_d and S_mp all have similar problems.

The thing about offensive words is that the intent of the person saying it is irrelevant. If Suzie and you play grab ass at work and Jill is offended by this it doesn’t matter that you didn’t mean to offend her. The only thing that matters is that Jill is offended. There is some limit to this in public spaces but when one is clearly meaning to offend or insult someone by making a disparaging statement of a large group of people then it shouldn’t be complicated to find the right answer.