Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

For me they said they mailed a check, but what they sent apparently was a debit card, to my Ex-wife’s address.

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Well kiss that money goodbye


On the other hand, their ex can finally help their new lover make a down payment on their first boat


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Some people are saying “I don’t need the money, my neighbor needs it more.” So the issue before us is whether there’s a way to do targeted stimulus to just those people. Is that even possible? I dunno sounds extremely complicated and not sure how it would work; let’s focus on Infrastructure Week instead.

The only people this stimulus is helping is rich ■■■■■ with management companies that put themselves on the payroll so they can get Paychecl protection on a one person management company that doesn’t do anything

Oh you want round two. Here’s another 20,000 free that you can stick in the safe of your 1,000,000 home

Go fuck your self. Every one of them.

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Nah, we are cool. We share custody of our dogs even. I’ll get my card when I get the dogs this week. Plus I still do her taxes and such.

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Well I’ve never heard that euphemism.

apologies, in a feisty mood with the Trump countdown clock under 24 hours ago. Mad respect of you getting along with your ex.


I was gonna put “if you know what I mean” but decided against it

Glad you did :)

Hah, she still calls me to give her some stimulus when she’s between boyfriends.


House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) is closely involved in the effort to write the expanded the Child Tax Credit, which also draws significantly from legislation spearheaded by Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.), the staffers said.

And while Biden has called for another round of $1,400 stimulus checks, this order would direct the IRS to ensure Americans are getting their $600 payments as well. Notably, the order will also let people claim unemployment benefits even if they quit their job because they feel unsafe working it during the pandemic, among other economic benefits aimed at low-income Americans.

The second order meanwhile lays the groundwork for ensuring federal workers and contractors are paid at least $15 per hour and can access paid leave, CNN reports. It also undoes some of former President Donald Trump’s orders that let a president hire and fire employees for political reasons and limited federal workers’ bargaining rights.

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Laying out could be better with the improved idea

As indicated in the table above, there are three remaining problems with this new CCB-style design.

The first problem is that the proposed design still uses a benefit phase-out rather than an income tax in order to ensure that affluent families do not net benefit from the program. A phase-out is inferior to a tax because a tax hits all affluent families while a phase-out only hits families with children. By hitting all affluent families, you broaden the base, which allows you to lower the tax/phase-out rate (e.g. from 5 percent to 3 percent) and you also ensure that high-earning families with children receive more disposable income than high-earning families without children, which serves income-smoothing as well as egalitarian purposes.

The second problem is that the proposed design would exclude people who do not file taxes, which is currently millions of people per year. One response to this might be that every child benefit design is going to require people to sign up in some way and so this is not a problem unique to relying on prior-year tax returns to sign up. While this is true, some benefit designs are less burdensome than others. Countries that use a universal child benefit have people sign up at the hospital when they give birth and then provide the benefit automatically from there with no further paperwork needed. This is less administratively burdensome than requiring that people file an annual tax return and therefore would exclude fewer people.

The third problem is that the proposed design would fail to provide timely benefits to families that had a high income last year but have a low income currently. It is this problem that staffers appear to be confused about.

If you are going to phase-out a child benefit, you need to input an income into the phase-out formula for every family in the program. You can get that income value from two places: (1) estimates of someone’s current-year income or (2) records of actual prior-year income.

If you use option (1), then you create a huge administrative burden and generate lots of benefit overpayments and clawbacks. That was the AFA approach that the new proposal reportedly abandons for option (2).

But if you use option (2), then the income being inputted into the phase-out formula is out of date. Some people who are currently very poor and who really need the child benefit to stay afloat will not get it because they had a high income in the prior year. They will be eligible for it again in the subsequent year but, by then, it may be too late.

Any updates on EIDL? Got the loan and the upfront 3,000 but it seems like I could get round two (at least 7,000 to bring the upfront to 10,000) but then their is this zip code thing.

Aarrrghh. It’s so effin complicated.


Guess those of us who made money in 2019 and got fired in 2020 are out when it comes to assistance. It’s a good thing like 40 million people didnt lose their jobs this year… oh wait

Fucking 1,400 dollars 11 months into this

Fuck all of these

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Every other country with running water has been shipping monthly checks. USA #179 again.

If it works the same you can claim any missing payment on your 2020 taxes if your 2019 agi was too much.

I’m not sure if it’s going to. Plus, I plan on filing in the next week. Will be surprised if they are done by then

Discussed in other threads but it’s still just idiotic by the dems.