The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

No one tips more than me. It’s crazy.


Bob man should be embarrassed for trotting out that line, and you shouldn’t have to defend yourself or justify anything you said in the slightest.

Show me one post i’ve made bashing the american left.

I don’t believe a word you say about your financial situation. You are a liar and a troll and it continually astonishes me the mods refuse to deal with you.

Why are you still insisting any centrist post here? It’s complete nonsense, provably so. You know that. Stop it.

We can debate without lying about each other’s positions.

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His constituents don’t think about it like that. He voted to impeach, if his constituents aren’t going to string him up over that, I doubt they will care about DC

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Absolutely delicious to call me a liar when you just made up a whole story about me being a service worker who was mad at my shitty job and life, you classist ■■■■

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I don’t think he means across the entire political spectrum or especially not average for the US, but just a liberal - normal for the Democratic Party. I guess “centrist” sounds insulting if you’re a Dem and consider yourself left of center. At any rate, Stim doesn’t mean it which much hostility.

And I don’t know that there are literally no centrists on this forum. There is at least one poster who was a Republican I think until Trump and I don’t know that they left the Republican party as much as the Republican party left them.

eta: He’s also one of my favorite posters, not just to argue with, but very smart and I have no reason to think anything other than a wonderful person.


Didn’t think so. You see, if you expect others to take you seriously, it helps to back up your claims.

So if I don’t search the site to find the posts it must be okay that you are a sniveling little crybaby that made up a story about me being beneath you?


Bobman is a centrist who voted for Amy Klobuchar iirc. Iron81 maybe also identifies as centrist. So there isn’t 0, but not that many, and maybe zero among the high volume posters.

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@Watevs @jmakin

Putting on my mod hat here…this discussion doesn’t belong in this thread anyway…I’m planning on either moving it somewhere or doing nothing and I’ll decide based on whether it’s over or not. Hoping it’ll end up being doing nothing.

Other mods are obviously free to do whatever.


I’m done, he’s made himself look sufficiently a fool. As if there was any doubt in anyone’s mind.


That’s a great way to give MItch McConnell an immediate majority when Manchin switches parties.

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See above comments on why I think it is extremely unlikely Manchin switches parties.

now (or in a couple of months) would be a good time for breyer to announce retirement.

He should be retiring today. This is an issue that is getting almost no press and could be among the most consequential of all.

I wasn’t suggesting you hated the name…

For everyone else’s sake, this is the left’s version of people on the right who have had their brains eaten by YouTube videos and Facebook memes. It’s slightly more tethered toward some objective reality, but still off by miles. It’s pretty clear he just constantly consumes media that only affirms and reinforces his shitty, angry view of everyone to the right of himself.

Anyway, I know it’s hard, but I think we would all be better off just not responding to his posts. His negative takes are annoying, and never add anything, but the threads get immeasurably worse when one of us fires back. No need to moderate him, though,


This is completely uncalled for. I am happy Watevs posts here, even if some of those posts are just yelling to let off steam.


Around here and in general of course.

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