The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Tell me what I should personally do to enact Bernie’s agenda and I’ll do it

I’m sure there are exceptions but I don’t think anyone doubts that there’s a big correlation between ideology and wealth around here.

Is “six figure earner” the new “centrist”?


With respect to the filibuster can someone answer this question for me:

Why was McConnell agreeing to allow the Dems to have the gavels (which I assume is some internal Senate organization rulemaking) subject to the filibuster, but something like eliminating the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees not subject to the filibuster?

I guess that’s why jmakin thinks I’m a minimum wage service employee who hates his job. Nice classism




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Want to get mad at Democrats? Get mad at them for not gerrymandering the shit out of every state they can. This is just political malpractice.

Redistricting commissions in NY and CA. Fuck off.

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I doubt that very much.

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$15 per hour for employees is on the way!

I guess my point was (maybe poorly stated)that no one who hates it is doing so because they just hate Democrats or the theoretical idea of the Democratic Party (which was why I used quotes). We hate the people who control it and their actions. If the Democratic Party was gutted and filled with progressives we wouldn’t hate it anymore, we hate it because of the people who control it rather than some blind hate of the party.

I was trying to point out that Bobman was doing the thing he always does which is to try to paint valid criticism of Dem politicians as a result of blind hate of the party.

Seriously? I’m not going to list people, but a lot of people have posted personal info about their job/income/wealth, I’m pretty good at knowing who is who here and stuff about them (not wealth in particular, but job/where they live/kids or not etc, and if it weren’t unseemly to bet about all the people here and personal stuff and impossible to measure these things I’d be saying “wanna bet?”.


Yeah, but if the Republican Party was gutted and filled with progressives we wouldn’t hate it either.

As it is right now, the Democratic Party is absolutely awful pretty much from top to bottom (especially the top). It’s only because of Duverger’s Law and how much worse Republicans are that I’m forced to root and vote for them.


Oh to have your smooth shameless brain, one that can just make up a bunch of lies about my financial situation and then in the very next post tout your knowledge of the posters on this board and their financial situation

I think you should reflect upon why you assumed I had a shitty service job and hated my shitty life as a result, especially in the context of a few posts you’ve made bashing the American left

Yeah I’d say most of the Centrists here I know about are high paid professionals, that said we also got some baller progressives IIRC

Oh I agree, I have been railing against the Dem party since 2+2. That’s what Bobman doesn’t like. I’m just saying I don’t blindly hate the party. I hate it because it is filled with absolute losers and awful people who have no intention on doing things to help this country progress.


I don’t want to make it out like I think it’s a stronger relationship than it is. There are exceptions in both directions for sure. But, I’m pretty sure if you did some statistics here you’d find a correlation.

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No one tips more than me. It’s crazy.


Bob man should be embarrassed for trotting out that line, and you shouldn’t have to defend yourself or justify anything you said in the slightest.

Show me one post i’ve made bashing the american left.

I don’t believe a word you say about your financial situation. You are a liar and a troll and it continually astonishes me the mods refuse to deal with you.