The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Assuming no Dems are hiding behind Manchin.

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Good background for NC (military, local guy). Super charismatic (watch the video). Relatively progressive.

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People like Manchin and Sinema need to fall on the sword. Itā€™s as simple as that. Theyā€™re not miscalculating how electable theyā€™ll be if they have to vote for anything resembling broad structural change.

Who the fuck would want to do something about a Democratic Senator from West fucking Virginia. We didnā€™t win enough seats. If it wasnā€™t Manchin it would be Q McQface.

Voted against impeachment, was barely a democrat on the national stage, and lives in one of those districts where they love the whole both sides bipartisan shit.

I mean something like 70% of Republicans think the election was stolen, lets say 50%, are they really going to vote for a democrat who voted to impeach Trump twice?

Susan Collins won in Maine. Manchin can do anything he wants in WV as long as he delivers a fuckton of pork for WV.

The man has managed to position himself as the most powerful legislator in Washington most of the time. WV just has to be paid every time he takes a hard vote.

I do.


Sorry that I donā€™t chum it up and shitpost with a bunch of left-bashing assholes, yourself included

He won by 25 points in 2012 and 3 points in 2018.

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Well if shit went down now, he probably wouldnā€™t impeach the second time and four years is a long time to make a heel turnā€¦ have you guys learned nothing from the great Dvaut? Consistency is irrelevant, politics = wrestling.

How did Cruz/Rubio whining but but but Trump is a Democrat!!! in the R primaries work out for them?

I agree, but heā€™s toast in 2024 no matter what he does. I wish he would understand that and YOLO it up.

Work has been slow this month. Net worth will probably end up going deeper into the red. $2k would change that. Dunno if that qualifies as ā€œneedā€ though. I wonā€™t end up on the streets or in my van.

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Honestly thats what is weird to me. Heā€™s in a red 40+ state or w/e right? His political calculations are I can get away with impeaching lord god king Trump twice but not nuking the filibuster?

It canā€™t be that. Gotta be corporate pressure or him just really not wanting to pass a bunch of the popular shit.

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Places like WV were cool with Manchin before they realized the Dems are a cabal of Satanic pedophiles. Huge LOL at thinking Manchin can vote in support of the entire Dem agenda and face zero consequences as long as he gets some stuff for WV. WV voters probably want a Qanon guy from 8chan in office at this point

Nah, youā€™re just wrong and a whiny shitposter. Iā€™ve done more to help this community and people in need during this pandemic than you have, Iā€™m certain of it. I know of at least one person I have helped that definitely needs the stimulus and if you bothered to get to know anyone here youā€™d realize thereā€™s a lot of people here hurting and struggling.

meanwhile people like me are doing something about it while you sit on your ass posting horribly on a board where no one even likes you or wants your opinion. Like, Iā€™m sorry your minimum wage service job sucks but maybe this isnā€™t the best place to take out that frustration, because precisely zero people here do anything even close to what youā€™re talking about.


Sounds like a need to me. I think if you qualify, you need it. I think the people making 100x the stimulus check per year need to check themselves

Your argument requires thinking that I havenā€™t done anything to help the less fortunate, which is a complete and total lie. When I call you a left basher, itā€™s because you make stupid ass posts bashing the left, itā€™s pretty simple.

But hey keep lying about how I do nothing to help the world and only shitpost if it makes you feel better, you lying asshole

Minimum wage? Lmao. I havenā€™t worked in a year and Iā€™m still living comfortably off World Series winnings. Iā€™ve sent thousands to Raices and mutual aid, food banks. Iā€™m tipping exorbitantly at every juncture. Go fuck your self


The guy Manchin barely beat in 2018 was a typical classic Republican: scummy lawyer and pharmaceutical lobbyist.

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Maybe. If he brings home enough bacon he might be fine.

In fact the ultimate opportunity to buy reelection is the climate change bill. WV is the third poorest state in the Union narrowly beaten out by MS and LA for the title of worst. There are enormous justifications for helping WV in any climate change bill, and Joe Manchin needs to deliver ~10-20k personally to every person in his state while getting it done. That and a fuckton of federal jobs.

Hilariously we can send 10k to everyone in WV for <20B dollarsā€¦ so itā€™s pretty cheap as purchases go.

If anything the GOP Senator that votes against it needs to worry about a Democrat.

The people arguing for fealty to the Democratic Party are six figure earners. Obviously there are people struggling on the board but everyone here who fellates the Democrats is a well established professional with zero need for assistanxe

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