The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I don’t think anyone here has any fool proof ideas. Nothing practical anyway.

It’s mostly just depression about the way things are and looking into the future where Democrats get beaten soundly in 2022 and obliterated in 2024.


What does “do whatever you have to do to nuke the filibuster mean” mean?

What can they do?

There are ways to get Manchin and Sinema in line if they really wanted to. I already mentioned it upthread, threaten to cut off their future fundraising money if they don’t go along with it. If you do that they cave. Being scared of losing WV/AZ in the future is pointless anyways, if the Dems do nothing significant over the next two years the next couple of election cycles will be disasters and those seats are likely gone. They won’t accomplish anything significant without nuking the filibuster.

I get that its frustrating but the Democratic Party has zero leverage over Joe Manchin. None. He could switch parties and win re-election by 30 points. The answer was winning more seats.


Yeah Dems can’t do a damn thing to Manchin. If they push him to choose between money and committee assignments or the filibuster he will switch parties in a heartbeat and put Mitch back in charge.

This is the thing that gets me. The only way Dems can possibly fear backlash from destroying the filibuster is if they…play along with the Republicans in acting like it’s a massive structural change to the Senate. Is anyone even aware of the rules changes Mitch McConnell has made so he can appoint judges?

It seems like Manchin/Sinema want to keep the filibuster because they’re afraid of a wave of legislation they’d be the deciding vote on for the next few years and they don’t want to live in that reality as the constant center of national attention and potentially voting on things their constituents aren’t fond of.

They are absolutely being selfish pieces of shit here, though. There is no moral justification for keeping the filibuster.

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Explain to me why Manchin changes parties in a heartbeat? If he does that he gets absolutely destroyed next primary season. If he makes the general sure he wins by 30 but he will get labeled a RINO and primaried by some crazy GOP person. Even if it is true that he would flip if you threatened him there are ways to persuade him including handouts to WV right?

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So to recap there’s nothing that Democrats can do to help anyone, it literally doesn’t matter who the President is, the 2k checks are not coming any time soon, and if you complain about it without an all encompassing solution a centrist muppet will jump down your throat.

And the only solution is to pick up seats but since Democrats won’t do anything proactive to get 2k out there, 100 millionish people are personally justified in not caring who controls the Senate

Point this out and a couple of six figure earning trolls will yell at you for not having solutions and for “hating the Democratic Party”.

It’s no surprise that there are basically zero people on this board saying that they need the stimulus. A bunch of rich assholes who don’t need it complaining that the rhetoric is too unbalanced.

You centrists disgust me.


I know the filibuster is important but why aren’t aren’t we hearing more about reconciliation bills? The Dems should jam through a massive budget rec bill with a ton of fanfare.

The short answer is WV is weird and Manchin is a unicorn who is personally popular regardless of party affiliation.

They’re going to do this. Schumer said as much last night.

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Even in the scenario where Manchin has to vote on a bunch of legislation, he/the Dems can still orchestrate it so that he can vote no on some stuff that would really make him a hero in West VA while still making major, crucial legislative reforms. Like, put up a bill that takes people guns or some shit, and have him John McCain it on the floor of the Senate, then turn around and make DC a state. No one in West VA gives two shits about DC statehood.


Yeah like I said before I don’t see how a guy who has voted to impeach Trump not just once but shortly twice survives a Republican Primary in WV." I didn’t cave on the filibuster " isn’t going to get it done lol. His support of a womans right to choose, and a million other things they will hammer him on.

Switching parties, at least in state wide campaigns, looks like a dead end to me with how partisan we are now. No way a guy who was a democrat for a long time is going to survive a statewide republican primary.

But he’s already making a bad political calculation in thinking his voters give a fuck about the filibuster. Any legislation he doesn’t like he can vote against, I’m sure with establishment dems blessing, and show that to the voters. Look! I voted against gender neutral bathrooms or w/e.


If Manchin switches parties, a very credible threat, they can’t do anything at all. No judges, no covid relief, no stimulus, no tax reform, nothing. Leaning on Manchin is not going to work.

The only place I see any speculation of Manchin switching parties is in hard right circles. He would destroy his career to protect the filibuster? Why?

The current iteration of the GOP is batshit crazy and he would be a fool to jump in those waters.

Do you ever post anything that isn’t incredibly whiny?


Jeff Van Drew won his primary by 65 points.

I’m not convinced Manchin wouldn’t be a favorite to win a GOP primary.

Maybe someone should just sit him down and tell him if he doesn’t do it democracy will die, America will fall to fascism, and it’ll be his fault.

I honestly cannot imagine Manchin is electable in WV after being the deciding vote for DC statehood. How would that not be the end of his political career there? He voted to give exclusively libs a bunch of power and free stuff, and DC statehood afaik is NOT popular.

How did GG go from being considered a literal traitor that needs to be executed by the right to a regular Fox News contributor? Everyone loves a heel turn to their side.