About Moderation (old original thread)



omg people are pounding on the flag button today.

anyone wanna explain why this post was hidden and not the one above it, calling me a classist ■■■■■

I don’t understand why my post was hidden to begin with. I am responding to a baseless claim about me, that I have made attacks against “the left.” I responded to show me the posts. How does that get flagged and hidden?

This is hands down the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a while.

That’s what you get when you elect a centrist President - all round frustration.

I didn’t hide anything. But isn’t this essentially doing what he said about making up a story about his being a service worker?

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I didn’t make up anything. I made an assumption, based on him railing against people who make 6 figures (a weird target). It sounded like similar thoughts I had when I was a minimum wage service worker, so I made the assumption.

It’s besides the point anyway. He said I made multiple posts attacking the left. I asked him to back up those claims. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? I honestly do not understand how you are both sidesing here. It isn’t even close.


I think it’s very close and is absolutely both sides. I’m not mad at you or him or dislike either of you and would do nothing but scroll past if I weren’t temporarily a mod, so no biggie, but that’s why I’m even talking about it.

I made a promise that I would not use my admin abilities to give me special knowledge as an unstuck poster, so I am not going to look at how that post was hidden or who reported it. But that is an absolute joke that my post gets hidden and the one above doesn’t. It’s inconsistent and stupid.

Dude, how is this even both sides? I am responding in a calm, rational manner while he name calls and provokes (something that’s supposed to not be allowed).

Whatever dude. You do you. None of this is worth my time.


You may have been calm when you said this, but it was worse than calling someone a shitlib centrist in my humble opinion. I get that you relate to it too.

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I hid the two posts, and couldn’t hide the first one, I guess because Micro handled that flag first.

I’m at the end of my rope with people being able to call other posters the c word in this forum. I don’t want to fucking see that word and apparently I can’t even flag it to hide it. Fuck off.


We have apparently been voted down on the subject.

I don’t know how that works, but,

to clarify, this means I hit “ignore” which is all I have done today and just to get rid of the little red circle. I didn’t know it affected anyone else’s ability to do anything about it.

If that’s what this forum wants to be I am done with it.

I think people said they’d respect the fact that it has a different meaning/connotation in the US and will keep it to the UK thread(s), ie self-censor when appropriate.

Why is my post hidden? I can’t respond to a poster making baseless claims?

I think it’s best to nuke that whole subthread from orbit.

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Fair, but there’s a very obvious problem here and it isn’t me. I know I’m not the only one.

That’s cool and all, but the majority of posters specifically opposed moderation of the c-word outside of explicitly sexist usage.