SenorKeeed For Mod!

Actually I don’t believe there was any vote at all for skydiver, or any public discussion or input of any kind. Please correct me if I’m wrong and I missed it though.

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Don’t think “withdrawn” is the right word. Not the least because I never “submitted” it beyond volunteering in the other thread.

I’m pretty sure there was a vote for smacc as I seem to recall voting in it.

Fair enough. I apologize if I used the wrong word. I thought you asked for the poll itt to be closed, but maybe I’m wrong about that too. That’s what I was referring to when I used the wrong word.

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Don’t remember and can’t find it. Search here sucks. She became a mod on Jun 20th (she said it was her first day) and on that day you posted:

Smaac was a mod on here when we moved, so perhaps the vote was on the exile site? ETA: Yep.

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They may have been along the lines of “barring any objection” and there was no objection.

The day skydiver became a mod was a hugely dramatic day. There were hundreds of posts in the moderation thread and what I did find was her saying something like “what a day for my first day as a mod!”.

Anachro something was perma’d. There were votes for Triceratops to be perma’d and for Lapka to be perma’d.

I did ask for the poll to be closed. It’s not a big deal, just the phrase “withdrawn his candidacy” makes it sound, I don’t know, far more official and purposeful than any of this actually was.

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You mean she posted that it was her first day on July 4, 2020.

The post of mine you quoted was on June 14, 2020.

(Just being my usual stickler for factual accuracy.)

And honestly, the sentiment I expressed then still mostly applies (i.e., if I were a mod I’d be pretty free with the (temp) banhammer). Thankfully for all involved I’m not a mod or volunteering for it.

If this seems to be important enough, then maybe a mod (who can’t be ignored) can start a new thread with a more robust poll, but for now I want to get a sense of the forum and whether this is an avenue worth going down.

On the one hand, we have some people who think we need new mods. On the other hand, we have current mods who maybe are willing to give up their role, but who think we need to establish some new rules concerning mods or else any new mods we select are just going to face the same problems.

I’m a critic of the idea of trying to accomplish too much at the same time. I thought that the attempt to craft forum rules was hurt by an attempt to discuss all of the rules at the same time, instead of sequentially. I think that if we seek to establish a new moderation regime, it’s better to split up the process of doing so. Either we pick new moderators first, then have a discussion about changing the rules for how we select mods and their powers and responsibilities under their watch, or we figure out those rules first, then pick new mods in light of whatever changes we agree upon.

What sounds like the better order of operations?
  • Select new mods, then figure out the rules
  • Figure out the rules, then select new mods (if necessary)
  • Select new mods, no need for new rules
  • No need for new mods or new rules

0 voters



I really really want to stop thinking about this stuff, but for what it’s worth, I kind of did have a problem with her undemocratic appointment to moderator, but (this will be inconceivable to some here) I kept my mouth shut about it for the good of the forum.

The only glimpse into how she became moderator that I ever got was her saying at some point later something to the effect of “I was asked to be a mod and I accepted.” I mentally noted it because as I said I was kind of peeved at the star-chamber like proceeding and so was on the lookout for any information about it.



I got Jun and Jul mixed up.

Also, I just took your post as a joke and amusing to bring up here.

Oops. I guess the fancy software knows I’m looking at it from so far in the future that I shouldn’t care about the day. Jun 20 = Jun 2020. My bad. Also explains why there were so many posts on/in Jun 20.

Thanks, I was amused to post that image (from The Dark Knight in case anyone’s not sure) because there was all this hand-wringing about bans and it made me think of that scene.

Wow, that link back in time to the Summer 2020 Moderation thread. What a long strange trip it’s been. I don’t remember hardly any of that stuff. I think it is around that time that I stopped posting here and cut my lurking by about 95%.

Is it possible that she was modded as a response to this thread (started July 2)?

And were there there threads deleted at C’s request that may have included discussion of modding sky?

The other controversy around that time relates to this:

Of course, the easiest thing to do might be to ask @skydiver8 if she remembers the circumstances of her becoming a mod.

I liked this poast without voting in the pole. What’s wrong with me lol

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Wait what? I just said I had him on ignore, how is that such a horrible insult? I’m flattered if my approval means that much around here that it’s a grave insult when I put someone on ignore. But I really doubt it. He can reply however he wants. I don’t read it. No need to make a gigantic deal out of it.

He keeps posting in the covid thread that these new strains were going to kill us all like 20 times/day. It’s incessant. And he definitely used to just snidely go after me in the covid thread well before Costa Rica, while being completely wrong - to the point tons of other posters were calling him out for it and basically telling him he was the worst poster in the thread. There is a long history there.

Btw churchill isn’t on permanent ignore. That status is reserved for one poster that if you don’t know you can easily guess.