SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

The Chinese restaurants were never grubhub in the first place, they were always call direct mom and pop places.

Won’t bore you w/ details but concierges at my building are dominating the fuck out of residents in our building, would be shocked if they didn’t negotiate raises/hazard pay, are very young to relatively young and can still see them talking to each other agitatedly when switching shifts.

Could be wrong and they know nothing about the $600/wk but think they would be grateful just to still have jobs if not for that.

I’d say so.

Just noticed that the name of my SIM card has been changed to ‘zustante doma’ which is Czech for ‘stay home’

Weird place to put it. Probably received a SMS too

The one at the KOP mall is closed but another one a further 10 min away is open.

Pickup in 1 hour. Ribeye :drooling_face:

You just got to get fired for something that is not gross negligence.

Hi five Bryce. I used to be the personable / frozen foods buyer for a grocery chain back in the day.

We need you on that wall but don’t get sick.


I’ve had these conversations a few times - what’s the most painless way to get insta-fired that isn’t criminal or w/e?

Usually a risky comment about the bosses wife/partner


Probably depends how annoying you have been previously. People have various lengths of leashes.

I don’t know of an insta fire thing that wouldn’t be skated in an unemployment hearing (if those are still a thing)

Be annoying, work slow, complain about everything that is not going to be done. It depends so much on the people involved on both sides.

I would have to assume in the current climate it might be “easier” if you complain about the corona virus non stop. If they tell you to stay home without pay they are firing you.

To be honest most of my experience is on the business side of things and I have never fired a lot of people.

I know this answer is rambling and useless at the moment.

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That’ll take you like 3 writeups, performance improvement plan. Painful.

We had a guy like that at my old mega-corporate job. Took our lazy boss a year just to start the process, then another year to finish it and get rid of him.

Send an email to your coworker bad mouthing the boss and tell that coworker to show the boss. You get fired and your coworker moves up in the company. Win win.


What if I try to unionize?


Just stop doing your laundry. They’ll decide you’re not essential soon enough.

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dr. drew is attempting to copyright everyone for these, so what little of his reputation that’s left doesn’t take the massive hit that it deserves.

it seems he got to that one as it is no longer playable.

his argument seems to be that people are attempting to defame him by portraying that he is saying those things now, even though the date is on each video…

Need to keep spamming that shit all over the internet. If the Daily Show does a compilation it should be fine as satire is protected speech.

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Can’t take this one down Dr. Douche


Honest Job Descriptions

Yah you have to be careful here and not accidentally get promoted

Could accidentally CC everyone at the company

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If you can’t trust Dr. Drew and Rob Schneider - who can you trust?


I got fired for telling a coworker I was attracted to her and looking at IMs she had left open on her computer. So sexual harassment seems like a good move. Even had the unemployment arbitrator rule for me when they challenged. However, that incident ruined my engineering career, so there are risks.