SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I take great issue with the idea that Rob Schneider is popular in any way.


lol wtf dude…

Trying to unionize/strike seems like the best play.

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Well this thread took an unexpected turn…

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Where it actually came from.


4805 new cases and 681 new deaths in Italy . The number of patients hospitalized in intensive care has declined for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic in Italy

I guess that means they finally have free ventilators? I wonder if they are still turning people away for being too old? Or maybe it just means intensive care but no ventilator.

[Roy Walker voice] It’s good, but it’s not right.

Amazing that you had a whole other theory of the title, though. My parents lived just by Electric Avenue for a few years in the seventies.


Not gonna lie, it’s not a bad alternate history, and it gives us a catchy theme to hum when we open the thread.

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I always assumed Breakin’ 2


Which leads to this fantastic documentary

Wait were we really not supposed to be singing it like that all along? I thought the other associations were like Easter eggs, not the basis of the pun

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Apparently Donny Dum Dum is planning to take that Malaria/Lupus drug despite doctor orders. Feel free to double up Donny.

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So twitter is taking Lauran Nazigram’s shit down but this fucking quack is free to continue spewing his bullshit? lol jack you fucking joke

Contagion - except Jude Law is the president is quite the twist.


This is exactly why I haven’t bothered evading my twitter perma, I’ll just get perma’d again 5 seconds after reading something from one of those trash cans

I work for a university now. The process to get fired would be so drawn out and painful that I’d rather just forego the unemployment.

However in these times when your company may be looking to lay people off - you can always hint to your boss that you’d be willing to take one for the team.

Outback follow up. We paid ahead including tip. Kid brings us out the slip and pen to sign. The wife did not appreciate me telling him that made no sense (since not his decision). Then they shorted us a baked potato so I had to pull back in and ask for that.

Also some nurse (? Stethoscope and scrubs?) was standing too close to the door and got yelled at by an employee. She took offense and it turned into her telling the manager to eff off and the manager saying she was calling the please. So tensions were high there already.

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I ordered a 9 mm handgun on sale from an online place and didn’t want to go in a major store to pick it up so used a small place that does FFL transfers. Said fuck it and wore my respirator P100 mask in to pick it up because i haven’t had contact with people for weeks now and the dude’s office was the size of my bedroom with 3 Trumpers stuffed in there talking when I arrived. Our governor hasn’t made any stay at home orders and everyone here is pretty much business as usual. I’m still laughing at the facial expressions they had from me wearing the mask.

Lol with poor guy who is really named Charlie Brown.


Dog eat dog world here in America baby.

State of PA mandating masks in public Indoor spaces but drove by a target and grocery store just now and compliance is low.