SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

One of my fave stories about a coworker getting fired is a guy from LP came in and said we know you’ve been stealing cash. The coworker slammed his badge on the desk, said “Prove it,” and walked out.

Little did he know they had video evidence.

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…: Electric Coronaland

Would love to see some yootoobz of NHS valour-thieves being confronted like the fake soldiers in the US. Oi mate, oo’s yer attendin’ physician, eh? Why’s yer steffoscope all wonky? Woss the are-ecks fer a mid-fifties male wiv anginer an’ LBP? Gerroff!


Any whistles you can blow? Do you actually work for the place you kinda work for or a contractor? If it’s a contractor, send a company-wide email about how your company sucks.

More CovIdiot Darwin Nominees

I assumed it was the song as well.

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Waiting for the inevitable story involving police shooting at blacks who disobey a ban on large gatherings.


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The carehome in question is the old phoenix pub at the start of Stepps Rd… Its beside a SS/DWP office, or it was…

It’s Cranhill so basically connected to Springboig/Budhill/shettleston and Tollcross as everyone from there drives up and down those roads and all the staff are from these areas with Glasgow private Hire round the corner + 3 other taxi companies pick from there on the regular.

You would be hard pushed to find a more used road in the east end brother, as that’s the motorway entrance/exits.

Hope she’s all OK during this… :v:


Excuse me. I’ve been told there’s been some interest in forming a Union and that Michael supported it. Obviously he’s not a friend of yours because he didn’t tell you the facts. So let me. If there is even a whiff of unionizing in this branch, I can guarantee you the branch will be shut down like that [snaps her fingers]. They unionized in Pittsfield and we all know what happened in Pittsfield. It will cost each of you a fortune in legal fees and union dues and that will be nothing compared to the cost of losing your jobs. So I would think long and hard before sacrificing your savings and your futures just to send a message. If you have any further questions you can direct them to… to Michael.


They probably actually have very good whistle-blower protection. You’re a pariah but they can’t fire you. So even worse.

Their President is a bigger fascist than Trump for starters.

Fallout: New Virus


NY State has 113k confirmed positives out of a population of 20M.

I would bet money in some states the ratio of actual cases (including asymptomatic) to confirmed is 10-1 at least. Maybe not in NY though which is testing like crazy.

If so though that would mean 5% of NY state has it at the moment - either symptomatic or asymptotic. And by the end could easily be 200-300k confirmed cases - which translates 10-15%. Not herd immunity but could get interesting with antibody tests.

Or if the ratio is only 4-1 - 300k confirmed is still about 6% of the pop.

“Navy officials said that at least three patients believed to be infected with the coronavirus had been transported to the convention center Saturday morning after having spent the night at the ship.”

On Thursday there was a story in The New York Times that they only had 20 patients, and Friday 3 patients with coronavirus spent the night on the ship


Failure every step of the way here.

lol way way under


LMFAO, we’re only going to treat patients without coronavirus on this ship, because we definitely know how to screen out people with coronavirus. JFC, who thought that would ever work?

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dunno if ponied but already fake coronavirus testing sites in Louisville (and some other states but I don’t have a quick link)