SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Two days ago they were going to require negative tests. They dropped that after everyone complained.

The article is paywalled. And there’s a lot of question about if the 60 chosen were truly asymptomatic (some reported loss of taste and smell). But there’s some good discussion in the twitter thread about the potential for Lombardy to be close to herd immunity.

Here’s a crazy thought - what if a very small initial dose actually works like a vaccination for a lot of people who are otherwise healthy and not immunocompromised? Very mild or no symptoms. Seems like it could be possible since that’s basically what a vaccine is right?

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I have not heard of vaccines based on a small dose of a virulent strain. I have heard of vaccines based on a weakened strain.

Yeah I’m sure it would be way too dangerous to actually use as a vaccine - but maybe it’s effectively functioning as one for some people? Well I guess it is by definition since some people are asymptomatic. The big question is how much difference initial dose makes. Someone posted this earlier which says some preliminary studies suggest it could be significant:

Who would of thought low paying jobs were actually more essential to our survival than high paying jobs.


Next thing you’re going to tell me is water is more useful than diamonds

Question for the law bros:

So my understanding is the new legislation allows small businesses to get loans to keep paying their employees and that these loans can be forgiven. I have now heard second hand of separate cases where employer was planning on taking the loans, but still (allegedly) furloughing some of the employees. All this is second hand, so I don’t have a lot of details.

Anyway, what I want to know is what is the mechanism in the bill to prevent this. What sort of enforcement is there. How is a small business owner punished for this if caught?

I suspect that all of this is so new that no one knows. But if someone has an idea, I’d be interested.

Varioliation (so?) was practiced with small pox for a couple of centuries. You had to know what you were doing a scrape the right amount of pox from an infected person. Too little no immunity. Too much and you die.

Vaccination with cowpox in the “west” supplanted actual smallpox but persisted in some cultures.

But it’s prone to big disaster if you eff up or don’t understand the factors that make some more likely to get sick.

Edit- memory was pretty good, at least according to Wikipedia.

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Antibody tests. Antibody tests. Eventually we will get these.

I am a relatively small number of degrees of Kevin Bacon away from people who will be doing some of this work in ways I can’t really go into, but it’s already in motion.

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Get thee to a nunnery the Bailout thread. People are putting in the work there.


Full Stop. Desperate times call for desperate measures. No sub-title for this one. All attempts at humor are going to clang because of the grim reality.

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It’s only socialism- a handout- welfare when YOUR tax dollars are given to someone else, not YOU.

Thanks. I’ll also see what is up in the other thread.

I actually agree here… I think it’s better for the forum if the CoV-19 thread is easy to see.

Still think my suggestion of SARS-CoV-2: Fuck You is short and gets the point across.

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Yup… It would do.

We should probably not do a humor headliner.

A surprising Cannon film.

Have you seen that? It looks potentially…good? Wow at Philip Glass doing the score LOL. I guess everyone gets their start somewhere.