Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

I’m pretty sure he got a PPP loan, but if it’s unemployment then I apologize. Based on his general posting regarding economic policy, I assume he’s a lot wealthier than me.

Well you better start issuing those apologies then, because a real quick search of this very thread suggests that is exactly the case, and that you yourself quoted a post where he talked about it.

Is he still unemploymed for sexually harassing a co-worker?

Well then I apologize about being upset about tax money going to @iron81. I didn’t realize it was via unemployment.

I stand by the cash to corporations IS stimulus quip, though.

Yeah my memory isn’t great this year.

Wait, what?

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To be clear, this was 10 years ago.

Goddamit this quote makes it look like I’m the one got fired for creeping on some coworker ffs.


Oh, ok. I mean, creeping on her IMs seems pretty bad. I don’t have a problem with professing your interest to someone if it’s done appropriately, but I’m probably in the distinct minority here on that.

Don’t worry, we all know you would have just whisked her away to Nicaragua or something.

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Why the fuck is someone on unemployment sticking up for giving all our money to corporations though? Makes no sense. Only reason to have that opinion is because you’re rich and selfish. Actually really believing that with no huge personal benefit is full wtf lol


I couldn’t get the UE as a schedule C filer because my quarterlies didn’t match whatever Byzantine rules matrix they required. I know other people who couldn’t get it for some dumb technical reasons who totally should have qualified. The thing that doesn’t require a 144-item IRS Form 1099-Kafka with edge cases that fuck people is straight cash homie.


The thing with being a liberal is I’m more interested in accuracy than in saying whatever is in my interest.

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I can pretty much guarantee I am one of the lowest paid people on this forum. Don’t feel sorry for me on this part though, I chose my career and could make a lot more anytime if I really wanted to. However, I usually bring in a a few grand extra per year through outside income that I’ve lost during Covid.

My only benefit from any stimulus so far has been the $1,200 check, so I am still largely net negative from all of this. Meanwhile our $10k per person stimulus program has largely benefited people who are far wealthier than I will ever be, so yeah this is all bullshit.


Of course, but you’re supporting shit that hurts people AND is against your interest lol.

In no way is giving corporations money instead of people a good thing. Not economically or morally. We would have been infinitely better off if they just cut everybody fat checks. Or at least the people who need it.

  1. Cut everyone checks.

  2. Let businesses furlough whoever isn’t working.

  3. Shut down for two months.

  4. Expand testing and tracing, get 100 surgical masks (at like a nickel a piece) to every American.

  5. Reopen for business, but keep bars, indoor dining, gyms, etc closed.

  6. Figure out ventilation protocols for safe indoor dining, etc.

  7. Implement it.

We were never more than 2-3 months away from solving this.

Instead we decided to do a half assed shutdown, give some corporations and businesses (but not all) money to funnel to workers (or skim I’m sure), pump the fuck out of the stock market, give everyone $1200, expand UI for six months, reopen and be like “Oh fuck were we supposed to do something with testing and tracing and are masks actually good?”

Like if humanity survives another 100 years, when they study 2020, it is going to leave them FAAF.

Flabbergasted as all fuck.

But they’ve got people who would benefit more from direct stimulus out here saying cash to corporations IS stimulus.

Yeah and if your significant other kisses you on the cheek it’s stimulating, but it’s not really stimulating.

I think calling it stimulus is the problem. We should be calling it emergency relief


There is still a realistic chance that it hits another dead-end, imo. If it passes we can give it a name!

I’m submitting this paragraph to the Guggenheim as high art.

Do not cut me a check. I have a good job and my expenses are way down.

Definitely some means testing imo. I think the first round probably got that part right.

If you cut me a check I will give it away. But most won’t. It won’t trickle down.

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