Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Yeah I think cash payments > unemployment boosts as long as those cash payments are regular, not spaced out every 8 fucking months. Or just do both because we easily could if we weren’t a country run by shitstain octogenarian fucks who have no idea what it’s like to live on a normal income

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Yeah, 2,400. I was referring to the 1,200 stimulus checks.

Also, I could be wrong but the checks are tax exempt while you need to pay 10% on the 300?

Why does the grocery store clerk need a bailout, assuming that was their job pre-pandemic? I’m saving tons of money during the pandemic because my expenses are so much lower. But maybe a grocery store clerk only saves a little from less entertainment expenses.

I feel like unemployment targets the people who need it a little better.

So between the two bills we will spend $3.1 trillion.

That is $10,000 for every my man woman and child.

How much have you seen?


Well they’re doing a pretty essential job for little pay and are constantly exposed to the turds that inhabit this country. I think they should definitely be getting some kind of bump/bonus, they certainly deserve it a lot more than your standard office drone


Because they deserve it for working during a pandemic


More than 10k.

Yeah I’m fine with that. Maybe a cash bonus to only the lowest paid workers or something. I don’t think someone maybe $100k/year really needs any cash right now.

They aren’t if you made over 75k I think.

They don’t. But who cares? Give it to everyone now and tax it from them later if you need to.

Please proceed.


I’m in that bucket and I need it

It’s hot tub time.


They should get hazard pay.


Agreed. They should be compensated for the stress alone of facing a constant inflow of people who refuse to do the bare minimum. Maybe most people are wearing masks, but most companies are no longer enforcing mask compliance. They are ENCOURAGING mask compliance but similarly encouraging their employees to stay the fuck out of any conflict.

And in the meantime, the bill that’s holding up any sort of survival assistance for literally everyone, including the billionaires, is whether the GOP can ensure that this grocery store can’t be held liable for not keeping their employees safe.

If we aren’t offering a guarantee of their safety in exchange for their much-needed service, the least we can do is offer those employees a little more money.


I still don’t think a liability shield is anything more than window dressing - has any firm been successfully sued for COVID-related negligence? It just seems impossible to make a bulletproof case that person X contracted the disease from the job, as opposed to general community spread, AND that the contraction was due to the company’s gross negligence.

There are at least a couple of existing lawsuits out there:

The Tyson one is the most publicly-terrible one I’ve heard about. If that lawsuit doesn’t succeed, then I don’t think liability shields really add anything for workers, and Dems should be de-prioritize them.

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Courts are pretty shut down right now. Additionally given all the different legal jurisdictions these cases will be heard in there are going to be pretty radically different outcomes depending on the place. I suspect there will be a lot of settlements.

This is great. I’m sending tax dollars to iron81, who is definitely way better off than me, so he can lecture me that giving corporations cash IS stimulus.


So basically $10-12K per American is going to stimulus, and I’ll end up getting a total of $1,200. Now, that’s fine. I don’t need the help and I’m willing to ship that $9-11K off to people who do.

But I’m not, I’m shipping it to the millionaires and billionaires, and the poor are getting next to nothing.

So I’m pretty salty about bailing out the wealthy, getting crumbs, and seeing the poor get crumbs too. It’s completely backwards and totally fucked. The people making like $80K to $250K are getting screwed worse than anyone in this deal, the only reason nobody is talking much about it is that we can afford it and the bigger injustice is what’s happening to the poor.

But make no mistake, this is a massive smash and grab by the wealthy and everyone making under like $250K is getting fucked one way or another.


Well said.

Stimulus talks look to be slowing down again and are now planning on hammering out a deal over the weekend or next week - just far enough away for them to completely give up on it again.