Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

We’ve grown so complacent with being absolutely fucked over it’s pathetic. $1800 from our government for a year+ long crisis. Not sure what would generate outrage at this point.

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“Illegals” getting that $1800.


Isn’t what we’re doing the opposite of Keynesian economics? As I understand it, Keynes’s advice would be for the government to go into debt cutting checks directly to workers.


We’re effectively giving hundreds of billions of dollars to wealthy people who don’t need and will not spend it. There is zero economic justification for it. Again, it is not an accident. The media has completely failed on this issue, thoughtlessly calling it “small business relief” or whatever. Its just more corporate welfare.


Right, but this isn’t Keynseain, at least as I understand it. The idea is to give stimulus to people who will go out and buy shit.

What’s wrong with Keynesian economics? A Keynesian would say that austerity is bad in times of trouble, the current stimulus is insufficient, and the most effective stimulus would be to put money directly in the hands of everyday people.


Yeah well a family of 4 is getting $2400. That will pay the rent. F the single people. They should form heterosexual pair bonds in the form of holy matrimony and produce soul inhabited embryos ASAP. Go forth and multiply.

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Maybe not ASAP, but perhaps more young people should live with their parents until they form those bonds.

Probably because it is always used as an excuse to fuck over the working class.

Re: Hawley
Here’s a…ummm…not so much a “column” as a “thing that plopped out of the Kansas City Star’s butthole.”

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a politician cite Keynesian economics. Neoliberals and Third Way politics are a rejection of Keynesianism.

How do you see Keynesian economics being used as an excuse to harm the working class?

Seems to me whether the cash payment is $600 or $1200, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to extending unemployment. But the simple sound bite of the cash payment seems to be dominating the day.

Just need Uncle Eddie to kidnap Mitch who will then see the erro…haha I can’t even finish that

He’s pure evil

It’s a pretty big deal, imo. A family of 4 while still working could get 3,400 upfront vrs 11 weeks which could be missed out on if they are hired before then.

How does it come to $3400?

1200x2 for the couple 500x2 for the two kids.

Where’s the lie though

Seems to me whether the cash payment is $600 or $1200, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to extending unemployment. But the simple sound bite of the cash payment seems to be dominating the day.

the grocery store clerk making $10/hr doesn’t qualify for unemployment. under the manchin/warner plan they would have gotten nothing which is a crime. (not that 600 is much better)

It’s $600 for every person so the family of 4 gets $2400?