Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Posting bullshit in meme form doesn’t make it true, though it is effective argumentation.

It’s not bullshit, nobody could possibly be as stupid or bad at this as eDem leadership.

The reason you think that is the tiny echo chamber that this forum represents. Expecting a leftist wishlist when we lost our leverage Nov 5th is fantasy.

Nobody expects a leftist wishlist. We’re in a massive crisis and their digging excuses out of their ass as to why they can’t provide any stimulus, meanwhile corporate America never has to sweat it out.

It’s not like they’re telling us to fuck off on single payer and UBI and we’re throwing a hissy fit (though single payer is obviously best), they’re telling us to fuck off on basic stimulus in a crisis.

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Money to corporations IS stimulus. It’s not as good as trickle up money, but it achieves the Keynesian purpose.



Here is what PPP is

You give 1,000,000 to a millionaire that owns 8 urgent cares

He then pays his employees with that money

His urgent cares revenue is up 100% because of covid

They were never closing due to lack of funds

So it just gives a millionaire another million dollars while I get 1,200

Fuck that

Just give everyone 2000 a month in perpetuity


A: Darling, what’s wrong? The stimulus check is bigger than you expected?

B: …

A: Smaller?

B: It’s a one year subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club.


This would at least feel like a bargain.

Similar policy in Australia, totally gross. We luckboxed avoiding covid so now everybody is fellating the government despite the wealth disparity getting even worse.

What’s this we business

Gg Democrats. This guy is gonna rinse them next time he runs because he’s figured out that Bernie style rhetoric wins.

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Maybe $600 is a good start and they can get that pushed up a bit. But unfortunately Dems should just accept what they can here, because they’re gonna lose the Senate races in GA (prob by at least 4 points).

But think of all the money they saved.

I went and looked up the largest PPP recipients in my area, because I hate myself.

Large law firms

Real estate property management and construction companies

Car dealers

White Castle - literally White Castle, a billion dollar company

All of whom were already owned by insanely rich people who didn’t suffer at all and were never going to fire anyone.

This is not an accident.




UK version…

Pour another one Riverman… :roll_eyes:

Anyone defending PPP, keynsian economics or this new stimulus bill really really sucks. The stockholm syndrome in people like Iron is exactly why we can’t have nice things.

I’m sure everyone is tired of me making this point but what legislative wins do the Dems have in the last 40 years? Romney’s GOP healthcare plan they “compromised” and passed? They had both houses for decades before 1994 and did what exactly? They had a super majority or close and the WH in 2009-2010 and did what exactly in TWO FUCKING YEARS? And let’s not start in on “but they haven’t had power much”. They don’t have power much because they are perennial losers who never ever do anything that excites voters. 90 percent of them are third way dipshits who think their new complex plan that gives them cover from being accused of being a liberal is the way to go. They also love fucking over the working class and handouts for corporations and their rich buddies. Guess what, no one likes that. So of course elections have been a struggle when you have to pick between Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden’s corpse and literal fascism.

These people are not our friends and continuing to carry water for these losers who are continuously robbing us blind is just incomprehensible to me. The idea that somehow we need to forget we are aware of this because most people aren’t really angers me.


You’ll just blow it on food and heating for the winter. We’re gonna give it to corporations that will be more responsible and use it for bonuses and share buybacks.