Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Checks should be larger as they cover a larger period of time and the virus is worse right now

But of course they will just keep getting smaller and smaller.

$600 is like rent for 2 weeks in a lot of places and one week in better places. If they send me $600 I’m spending all of it on a guillotine.


The problem is that all the little people can’t avoid the taxes so by the time it cycles up probably half of it is gone. Whereas when it goes directly to the upper crust, likely no tax at all is paid. Plus how the fuck do you foreclose and evict those poors if they get stimulus checks AND get great buying opportunities for the housing barrons?

“Trump gave me more.”


Not me, I only use endangered woods for my guillotine so nobody can know what level it’s on.


I highly recommend the Brazilian rosewood if you can get it.

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I bet I could make a fortune selling bespoke ornamental guillotines.

I was gonna post this

I guarantee Trump has said he doesn’t want the checks to be as big because he wants Biden’s checks to be smaller.

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Correct. That’s the point. The problem is that if we all learned as a country that gush upwards worked, we’d realize how badly they’re screwing us, the cost of labor would skyrocket, and actually significant progress would be made to improve the state of the working class.

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I now want Biden’s signature on checks for $1201.


Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post gives this statement zero Pinochios.

So were basically going to give mitch exactly what he wants. Almost no actual stimulus that will leave biden with a ravaged economy still but a big win for perdue and leoffler going into the runoffs

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It works out well for Chuck and Nancy too, though, so it’s a win-win.

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“If in some imaginary world we could’ve added checks on top, without taking away the targeted relief to those most in need, I’d be all for that,” said Warner.

“some imaginary world” like we haven’t already passed $600/week UE + $1200 stimulus 9 months ago with Donald Trump in the white house. such a clown take.


Says the guy about to sign off on $1,000 for every man woman and child in corporate welfare on top of the last round god fucking dammit I don’t think I can keep paying attention for much longer it’s too depressing


Reclaimed barn wood imo

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Mother fucking piece of shit not a single progressive asked them to get that money from the UE money, that was you guys

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