Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

LOL now they’re addicting stimulus checks “smaller than the last round.” FUCK YOU

Ohhh should add another couple million to congress members 401ks at least

How much of our national debt is just handouts to the rich through tax cuts, this kind of nonsense or sweetheart deals to military contractors and the like? All of it?

We have basically just transferred the nation’s future wealth to one small subset of rich boomers. 20T in new debt in the last decade and we have nothing to show for it except the rich got richer. It’s completely sick.


Will most people have to reapply for UE benefits? I remember seeing that the lines were hours long in some places and boy wouldn’t that be fun in 4-degree weather.

Dems might as well send everyone a postcard that says FUCK YOU and have Joe Biden sign it.


If the checks are small enough this could easily piss off people more than getting nothing.


I’ve been making just enough to not qualify. Hopefully I don’t need it in 2021 but I’m still killed by not being able to go on site. A two day trip turns into a couple of hours on the zoom.

Language is such a tricky thing.

I really like this.

But I also think welfare assistance is a clutch phrase and yet that too is poisoned.

He’s not asking how we’re going to pay for it, did we successfully push him to the left?


has Mitch said he’s on board? I’d be kind of amazed if he agrees.

And that’s why we can’t ever do that.

Keep in mind that when we reckon with this, it will be framed as a spending crisis brought on by the gluttonous spending of Democrats. Austerity for the poor and middle class will be the only way forward.

Great job Nancy, A+

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Mitch dropped Trump like a hot potato once the electors voted so he ain’t gonna want Trump getting credit for anything.

Looks like they have calculated that the minimal amount they can give the common peasants is $600, while they take about three times that amount per American. Also that $600 comes out of our portion, not theirs.

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I’m sure they’ll again put the income limit at the exact place to make sure the working professionals that just elected Biden get $0 while shoveling all the fucking money (we are up to $325 billion more for PPP) to business owners.

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If you give money to poor people they’ll just waste it…

“Even conservative members of the party who think Nancy Pelosi is far too liberal for them don’t necessarily have any viable alternatives, which is why whenever there’s a challenge, it kind of collapses,” she continued. “And that is, I think, the result of just many years of power being concentrated in leadership with lack of … real grooming of a next generation of leadership.”

Asked whether she will run to replace Pelosi:

“I do think that we need new leadership in the Democratic Party … the internal dynamics of the House has made it such that there’s very little option for succession,” said Ocasio-Cortez, who is 31. “It’s easy for someone to say, ‘Oh well, you know, why don’t you run?’ but the House is extraordinarily complex, and I’m not ready. It can’t be me. I know that I couldn’t do that job."


Yep, for sure. Honestly the fact that so many people show up to vote for total dogshit in the primaries makes me want to consider a burn it all down approach at the federal level. The less tax revenue we collect, the less they can steal for the wealthy. Then let the states make up the difference. At least it’s easier to just move to a state that suits your preferences.


I think she’s right that she is not ready for the job yet and I would generally look for someone who has been in the House for at least a decade if looking for an alternative to Pelosi.

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It wouldn’t even be trickle up

It would be rushing upwards as people spend it

That’s what’s so absurd…they would get their money anyway, but they don’t even want the have nots to be able to use it first, just fight for the scraps.