Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

$2.3k per person stimulus program that I will see $0 of.


It’s tough to overstate just how terrible this is. SKINNY BILL YAY!

This is my favorite part of that article:


Wall Street wins as per forever

Just shipping all the money to people with all the money, same as it ever was, burn it all down.

I also will see $0.


same here. and im not even close to rich or even upper middle class.

We need to start an Unstuck LLC before the end of 2020 to get our hands on some of that sweet 2021 stimulus money.

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Every large privately held business (incidentally the biggest beneficiaries of the Trump tax cuts) will now get $20 million in tax free cash while you get $0.

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I don’t even understand what making half the bill PPP does? They didn’t even use all the PPP money the first time. Just so fucking absurd. I mean I understand it’s free money for rich people but there was literally so much free money in rounds 1 and 2 they couldn’t find enough rich people to take it all.


They stopped taking applications for PPP on august 8th when round 2 ended. I’m guessing the rest of that would’ve been claimed in the months since then. I think they needed to pass some type of bill to allow applications to still be taken and to send the rest of the money out but not sure

Also get 0

But it’s worse for me. Have to fill out all these fucking ppp applications again.

I must be blind, but where do you see the $2.3k number and its criteria?

I think he’s dividing the cost of the bill by US population


Well that’s depressing.


GA Republicans tomorrow: Progressives are holding up YOUR stimulus for SOCIALISM.


I hope they hold it up but I dread that they will just begrudingly vote for it then bitch about it afterwards

Like the concept of PPP is fine, but there needs to be a cap on the size of the business.

Also this. These Congresscritters are genuinely stupid on this one IMO. I don’t think they realize how many Americans were forced to live on plastic the last few months and/or owe several months rent. When the rug gets pulled out from under them, it’s bad news for the economy.

Never mind the morality, I’ve given up on these ghouls giving a fuck about that.

Math checks out. Just taking from the poor to give to the rich. Socialism for the wealthy.

Like honestly guillotines should be in play at this point. Fuck these motherfuckers.


They might be able to pass it with eDem and Republican votes.

I’m sure it is going to trickle down this time!!


In Australia, businesses with turnovers up to $5bn per year are able to claim massive deductions on equipment purchases. We just luckboxed avoiding the virus fucking us up over a long period. Our conservative government is still absolutely obliterating the working and lower middle class in the country.

I say again, we should do trickle up. Large checks to the bottom.

If the upper crust is right they will be idiots and blow it all where it will end up in the pockets of the rich.

The only difference is that many will have their lives improve as that money is spent and rises up through the classes as opposed to:
