Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Dems can force it as we already know

Sort of, McConnell could just change the rules to disallow that. They should still just do it. I hope they miraculously win those seats and Mitch shoves that rule down their throats by invoking it to make them vote on a bunch of bills they don’t want to go on the record on. Maybe then they’ll realize how stupid they are.

Lol no they aren’t, they’re complicit.

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According to this article Dems are all but giving up on state and local aid.


Give me my $2,900 ■■■■■■

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But what about the 12 million about to lose unemployment? That doesn’t do shit for them. Need an extension for them and another moratorium on evictions or no deal.

No doubt. And not a dime for essential workers making next to nothing. And not a dime of stimulus. This bill is a piece of garbage.

What does it do

300 supplemental UE but no extension to those expiring?

Nothing on evictions?
Nothing on state and local government?

What the F does it even do? Is it just 900 $1 billion checks for the richest 900 people?

$300 billion for "small business: i.e. large privately held companies

Literally giving $10 million to every large car dealer in America for the second time

This is $1,000 for every man woman and child, shipped to rich people

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Don’t worry, I would imagine there will be an appetite to bail out landlords after all of the evictions.

Don’t worry, when they’re forced to cut lots of services and lay off lots of employees, the free market and private sector will step in and fill the void!

It gets the unwashed masses to shut the fuck up for a few months until they realize how badly they got fucked.

Not sure if you guys heard but Joe Biden got elected so there is no need to help homeless/evicted people.

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It looks like 80% of this new bipartisan bill is leftover funds from the Cares Act. The bill is truly garbage that doesn’t give anything to ordinary people.

So like ~700 billion is leftover from Cares act? how is that possible? i know PPP ran out in like 2 weeks

They added funds to it after it ran out.

They’re so bad at “negotiating” one is left to wonder, given their strange competence in other areas like, say, maintaining their own power, if they’re not putting their best foot forward!

Yeah, the Bernie team assumed the EDems were totally incompetent and would roll over if he won the early states because they always are incompetent and they always roll over at every opportunity. Except for one time…

Looks like they might actually pass something before the end of the year, and that it will roughly be this:

Covid-19 Relief Plan Splits Key Aid, Most Contentious Items

A bipartisan group of lawmakers released proposed Covid-19 relief legislation that may provide momentum for breaking a months-long impasse, by separating out coronavirus liability protections and state aid – the two most contentious and partisan items.

The bipartisan group’s $748 billion package includes $300 billion for help to small businesses, including through the Paycheck Protection Program, $180 billion for additional unemployment insurance, $45 billion for transportation including airlines and $82 billion for education. Other provisions include $25 billion for housing assistance, $16 billion for vaccine distribution and testing, and $10 billion each for child care, the U.S. Postal Service and rural broadband. Also offered is $25 billion in emergency rental aid and an extension in a moratorium on evictions to Jan. 31.

Lol PPP. $10 million more for your local car dealer!

Give me my stimulus money ■■■■■

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At least the airlines who pay almost no taxes get some cash, again.