Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

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Those foragers must not have received the memo that Biden got elected, so according to Pelosi, they don’t even need those groceries anymore.


McConnell: Let them eat cake drink water.

This article words if a little stronger than that tweet. Caving is really dumb. The Dems caved to try and find a compromise bill that was almost entirely terrible and they still can’t find any agreement. They should have held strong and passed clean bill after bill in the House and then forced Senate votes on it. Instead they decided to cave all the way for a “skinny bill” and still got nothing while scoring zero political points. Typical unfortunately. More concerning is the obvious signal from Mitch that he is going full scorched earth. Also I remember several of us being called monsters for advocating against this Dem current plan of action that has resulted in nothing besides completely eroding any ability to claim the high ground. Tough to be more wrong than that.


Hilariously, substantially all media is still dutifully reporting that Mitch really really wants a deal. Every article I’ve seen is like “welp, can’t seems to reach an agreement, Mitch blames democrats, democrats blame Mitch, they all say they’ll keep trying!”


Yeah as we said caving was a complete disaster. Now the average person is correct in saying “Both sides are the same.”

No surprise here. And a smart play from him, honestly. The Dems keep tripping over themselves to make sure they lose the messaging war so he might as well try to make Biden a one-term president.


Biden is somehow going to be even worse at this than Obama.


CNN: Coming up, how Congress’ failure to act is leaving millions of Americans in food lines.

Some high quality both sidesing is on deck.

I mean, we all knew this during the primary right? We just had to suck it up in the general and hope for the best.

At the end of the day let’s stop lying to ourselves. He’s not worse at this than Obama, he’s even better.

I assume Mitch initially thought he might have to make a token deal to keep the democrats from running on giving people money in GA but now that they’re running on, well, absolutely nothing, he sees no risk in going full scorched earth.


Bite your tongue. Dems in the GA senate race are running on a tight, strong message we can all rally around for the good of all mankind.


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Confirmed, Wolf admonished Democrats and Republicans to do their job and “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

eDemmmmmmssssss did you waste all your money on TV ads again and refuse to help average people??? eDemmmmmmmssssss???


If they can’t help out Americans during a pandemic then just let the government shutdown.

Can’t help people suffering but can spend a rounding error from $1T on military.


This account does not appear to be a parody.

The liability talks are at a dead end; they won’t make it end.

Not sure how he got from there to giving in on it.

Aren’t there enough Republicans on board to defect and pass the bi partisan bill? So they’re actively refusing to cross daddy Mitch

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He’s refusing to bring it to a vote, I think.