Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)


I wonder what the liability language is. I’m sure that the existing laws would apply.

Like are they trying to cover things like the highly irresponsible meat plant incidents? Like no liability whatsoever?


Where is Joe Biden? The leader of the party is…still assuring everyone Republicans will be nice to him. Absolutely hopeless.

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Jfc Nancy. Just pass a bill give everyone 3k. Nothing else. The dems aren’t winning Georgia. there will never more leverage on those two Senators than now.


I’ll say this much. Either he’s right and it’s the biggest call in American political history or he’s in no danger of being up to the moment and god help us all. A very polarized spot very early in his presidency.

Democrats are insisting on helping state and local governments not go completely broke.

Republicans are insisting on…a liability shield for corporations who force their employees to work, literally killing some of them.

This is presented as some kind of good faith disagreement, or something.

Meanwhile the only person really pushing for cash payments to individuals is…DONALD TRUMP

Seriously eDems can FOAD



Seems like a liability shield is a mortal lock to be passed by Nancy etc

I don’t think so. Think of the trial lawyers! The coming class actions against Tyson and friends are worth hundreds of millions each to the attorneys.


This is, unfortunately, it.

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See above, they will settle, with the actual victims getting $20 each. The plaintiffs lawyers (Google Dickie Scruggs and Bill Lerach for a primer on the character of these folks) will walk away with hundreds of millions. Still cheaper for the companies than having a shred of humanity.

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The worry is If it’s gone companies will act significantly worse.

It would be worth getting rid of for legit stimulus. 2k for everyone per month and rent paused for anyone unemployed but for this shit bill that only bails out businesses hell no


I don’t think it’s that simple. Is it worth giving in on the liability shield for another one time 1200$ payment? Absolutely not. There is an amount of direct stimulus that would make it worth it though. Obviously in reality we’ll never get close to that number, so fuck em is the correct stance in this case.

Eta: my pony is dead

It’s worth automatically voting against Mitch’s priorities out of spite.

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This and this again and this again, ad Infinitum.
It’s why society as a whole has to constantly work against the greedy selfish sociopaths. It will never stop because some of them will always be there.
Game theory and the fact that eDems are part of the problem means you have the likes of Trump & Mitch McConnell pulling the strings of power.

Bottom line is that in a competitive economic system, so many folks don’t see the difference between self interest and greed.

Weird that won’t populate for me. WaPo reports an increase in shoplifting food and baby products.

I’ve heard it called “urban foraging”, which is cool. If people need food they should take it. Kroger can’t die of malnutrition or starvation. Walmart doesn’t get worse grades in school because it’s belly is empty.


Can’t wait for Pelosi to condemn it and say they should die with pride like good Americans, while failing to actually fight for them. At least she hasn’t caved on corporate liability though, so there’s that.