Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

I hate myself so I listen to Pod Save America.

They of course say Dems should support literally whatever complete piece of shit bill the GOP offers.

Zero mention of the House passing a good bill
and messaging on it.

This podcast blows but is a pretty good representation of eDem thinking. We’re fucked

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But people would spend it unwisely!


What the fuck is this gibberish. What an absolute complicit clown. A guillotine would be too kind of an end for her.


She’s so bad at this. She just admitted to holding off on helping people to help Biden win. Like it was the right thing to do, a Trump win causes ungodly amounts of death as this thing keeps raging, but you don’t fucking SAY that.

And you don’t fucking stop fighting to help people. Like even if the economy goes back to normal tomorrow and the virus disappears, people have racked up so much debt this year - average folks need a bailout. Not that she gives a shit.

Eat more $12 a pint Brandied Banana Brulee ice cream, Nancy. You’re soooo relatable.


I mean it makes my analysis yesterday of Pelosi never intending to reach an agreement this fall look pretty on the nose i guess


People can just tell their landlord Biden is president and there’s a vaccine coming so we’re all good on the rent


Yeah, all having Biden and Fauci in charge and upcoming vaccines should do is stop the pandemic assistance sooner than if it was going on longer, but people absolutely need back assistance from August until now and forward assistance from now until it’s over.

They are gonna let people just go bankrupt and destitute during and after this pandemic.

Lol, this exactly.

70 year old: I worked two jobs in college and paid for the entire thing myself. Where are the bootstraps for these millennials?

24 year old Grandson: That’s great Grandpa, but my student loan is 50K at 6% interest. Your college cost 3500 total for 4 years. GFY.


This is good.


It’s worse than that, they see the big payday down the road by being able to buy up more shit, rinse & repeat until the next corporate bailout.

American politics is broken.


“In the house later today, we are going to be passing a COVID relief bill that is $X for every man, woman and child in this country.”


70s oil and inflation crises
80s stock bust in 87
90s dot com
00s Mortgages and housing
10s covid and artificially supported economies (QE and 0 interest rates and tax cuts for 1%ers).

Each somehow a buying opportunity for those already having wealth.



Yup, all those people who are about to be evicted can think to themselves, “That’s ok, being homeless won’t be a big deal because now Biden is here!”

God I hate her so fucking much.

Keep fucking around, eDems, and find out what happens when you don’t get to campaign on, “My name isn’t Donald Trump.”

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Average Tuition of a Four-Year Public School in 1970: $405
Last Year: $10,230

Minimum Wage 1970: $1.45
Last Year: $7.25

Hours at minimum wage to pay one year’s tuition
1970: 279
Last Year: 1,411

Mind you, I’m pretty sure that doesn’t include room and board. 279 hours is 5.4 a week, or 20-25 a week over summer break and none during the school year.

1,411 is 27 hours a week all year.

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They’re only even a coin toss campaigning on that.

Student loans pushed another month, woot woot

A stimulus without universal direct payments is literally just taking money from the lower class and middle class to bailout the wealthy. Fuck that, just let it all burn if that’s the best we can do.

