SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

“we” != low paid “essential” workers.

No, there are additional details making it pretty clear that if you don’t have payroll you’re not going to qualify.

Again, we’ve been discussing all this for days in the bailout thread.



Im guessing that the republicans only went along with this because it is an election year and they basically know that they will have the supreme court locked up shortly and that democracy basically ends this November.

I thought “exponential superflu” was pretty good.


Not really sure where to mention this, but south Florida is heading toward a different potential disaster on top of the pandemic, a serious drought caused by mismanagement of Lake Okeechobee. This will be developing over this month and next, but if we don’t get more rain in April, we are going to be in a world of hurt in addition to dealing with a wild pandemic.

It’s inevitable, though. Someone needs to make a call and end this superflu-ous disputation.

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Yeah same. I actually made lots of arguments about it in the bailout thread saying democrats had a massive failure not also arguing to give essential workers a big raise and most mostly ignored.

But most people didn’t catch it because it was all in the bailouts thread.

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75% of Czechs polled have approved of the measures taken by the government to try and slow the spread of covid-19. 16% say that not enough has been done (down from 31% in a poll two weeks ago). I assume that the 9% remaining just think that it’s overblown or don’t know.

Two weeks ago, I’d totally get not enough being done since the PPE in stock was only adequate for 1-2 days at a time for hospitals and those working at care homes had next to nothing back then. Now with massive increases in testing compared to two weeks ago (though not what was promised) and more PPE, things are going much better.

The state of emergency is likely to be extend until at least the end of April once the current one expires along with all of the current restrictions. Why the Communist Party won’t expand it to mid-May is beyond me. Thankfully, they probably won’t get 5% of the vote in 2021 (they barely made it last election).

R0 for the CR has been cut by more than 50% since the lockdown. It’s now down to 1.2. Need to get it below 1 for a while before things can be open. Looking like it’s possible that schools will open by the end of May if things continue to improve (they’re currently projecting mid-May but that’s a bit optimistic imo).

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I mean at the end of the day, it gives the essential workers massive leverage for better wages and work conditions. If employer says no then worker quits, gives whatever reason related to Corona, collects unemployment, and dares the employer to challenge. In a blue state, the worker is very likely to win no matter what even if the employer has the balls to challenge.

I was under the impression you don’t qualify if you quit, you have to be let go through no fault of your own. Even in CA.


I picked up and dropped off at this carehome… :pensive:

Rip :disappointed_relieved:


It’s up to your boss/company to fight your claim. Some will some won’t. If it’s a big enough company it probably won’t make a dent in their unemployment premiums so they might just let it go.

When do the $1200 checks hit and when will the $900+/week hit?

I think it is probably wise to stock up before then cause with nothing to do everyone is probably going to do a mad rush to the grocery stores like black friday.

That woman deserves a smack. (Although I couldn’t even bear to watch it all, so maybe I missed something)

  1. How the fuck does she think the entire country is going to work from home without the internet infrastructure being essential.

  2. The mans trying to do a job. Leave him the fuck alone. If you have a problem, confront his boss.

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From mid-April to the end of April if the IRS has a bank account for direct deposit on file for you. If not, from May to October for paper checks, starting with lowest reported incomes first.

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lol why cant they just let people enter their bank account information in a form on the internet instead of paper checks.

I think they are supposed to have something like that up in early May. So that probably means July.

amazon/walmart workers should just do a walkout and demand that they get paid ~$1800/week (double what the waitresses are getting)…

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Decent chance never.