SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I always chuckle when a super old person buys a lucky for life ticket, which is $2k/week I think, for the rest of their life.

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It might seem a bit unfair to some workers.

Waitress - $900/week to stay home

Cashier at Walmart - $600/week to work 40 hours a week and die of coronavirus


Takeout closing scares the shit out of me. I was gonna donate my small grocery stockpile.

Did @j8i3h289dn3x7 try checking with restaurants directly instead of browsing GrubHub? I saw a WSJ article about restaurants chafing under delivery fees.

That it does. Essential workers should at least be guaranteed what is given to people staying at home. They should be making more.

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New may be winning, but there doesn’t seem to be any particular new suggestion that’s half as popular as just staying the same.

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I don’t care about thread titles


Essential workers seem to be considered the lowest rung, lowest paying jobs in the country. Kind of weird that they’re the ones keeping this country running.

If all essential workers went on strike in the future at the same time, they’d have a crazy amount of power.

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Every new title suggested has been yugely inferior to the current one.

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My local place lets you drop off your car and do all interaction over the phone. I guess the inside of a car could be a hot spot and you can’t really leave it for days with the windows rolled down. But still I’m sure you could figure out a safe way to make it work.

Nobody is getting $900/week as far as I know. CA is I think the highest and we max out at $450 per week. But also you had to be making a lot to get that.

Florida is lol $275 a week because fuck you we know you’ll still vote Republican anyway.

$450/week then PLUS the $600/week flat federal amount for next 4 months

So $1050/week max in Cali


Ah. I missed that.

This whole essential worker thing is largely bullshit. It’s not that hard to be considered one.

Our gardner still comes by weekly. We weren’t sure about that at first, but everything gets done with appropriate distancing. Also, apparently he’s got some sort of letter from the state saying that he is an essential worker. And we’re not growing any significant amount of food.

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What’s happening now is kind of a bizarro general strike where management stays home and the idea, held by the management class itself!, is that it won’t be such a big deal. Hopefully they are right. I’m afraid they’re not because people don’t really know what is essential and what isn’t and planned economies (or shutdowns) fail because of this.



Going forward for 4 months you get plus $600/wk ON TOP of the $450 or whatever amount you normally get. No matter what, even if it works out to more than your comp before you were laid off.

That is what Lindsey Graham and Co. were crying about and BERNIE took a stand on and won.

Feel like I’m taking crazy pills, thought this was an insanely informed and active political board, lol.


Same, which is what made the joke scream out to me.

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Apparently a bunch of us missed that somehow. Also I had no idea NJ is $713/week.

Yes but we arent the party of fuck you I got (didn’t get) mine

Ppl need that money right now. So let them have it.


From the “Who can apply?” section of the PPP link:

This program is for any small business with less than 500 employees (including sole proprietorships, independent contractors and self-employed persons), private non-profit organization or 501(c)(19) veterans organizations affected by coronavirus/COVID-19.

So maybe you guys can double dip?