SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Roosters are loud and will piss off your neighbors. That early morning bullshit can get a rooster converted to fried chicken.

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Cleaning lady’s husband now hospitalized at Elmhurst :frowning:


Sorry, that milk has to be dumped.

I was wondering why it’s not being purchased by the government to make government cheese. Lack of coordination, I guess. Hopefully, those niches of waste will decrease over time. I also read about farmers who won’t have migrant workers to pick crops.

Lost in all of this is that Trump finally got what he wanted on the border, the ability to stop everyone from coming in and instantly deport everyone. That is going to have a devastating effect on our food supply chains.

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This is truly scary. France is trying to get the French people to take the place of 200k agricultural workers who are locked out. Insurance salesmen and software developers aren’t going to work in the fields or slaughterhouses until after the hunger pangs are sharp.

The UK needs ~90,000 people to work on farms, who usually come from parts of the EU to do this tough and low-paid seasonal work that Brits refuse.

Even the foreigner-hostile Telegraph seems concerned (QFE):


Yeah for most of these workers they will be making way more on this new unemployment. Honestly we should actually be really happy about this.

Now these people no longer have to risk their health for $400/wk or whatever and will now be able to stay safe at home and pull in like 700-800/wk.

And at least for restaurants they will obviously be rehired when this is over.

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day


This could be a hard, but good lesson, but if most of the people who make less than $700/wk stay home, we’re all going to starve.

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Covid-19: R We 0 Men? We’re In Vivo!

prob too obscure.


They are working on that herd immunity

Good column from a Seattle Times writer on this today.

‘Essential’ but unwanted: Coronavirus reveals another American double standard

Maybe nowhere has the onset of the pandemic spotlighted the hypocritical realities of modern American life more clearly than in the farm fields of Washington.

Farmworkers, many of them undocumented and for decades relegated to live in the shadows, suddenly have been classified, by the federal Department of Homeland Security, as “essential critical infrastructure workers” in the fight against the disease.


I know it won’t happen, but there will never be another time they can strike for citizenship and plausibly get it.



You can’t get unemployment if you choose to stay home though. So if your job is still essential, you can’t decide to protect your health, stay home and collect the $.

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No one knows the full set of what jobs are essential.

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The old is dying, we must let the new be born.