SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Supposedly the usual number is $300 and now they added $600 to it from googling.

Roma get a lot of shit

Here’s a link on Czech attitudes related to having neighbors of different nationalities

Or how they’d feel about their kid dating a persin of another race or religion.

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Taking about unemployment? I’ll know more buy the end of the day because I’m going to help my daughter file, but iirc in CA anyway you take your highest paid quarter in the last year and divide by 26 and capped at $450/wk.

The CARES act is supposed to dump a flat $600 across the board on top of everybody’s unemployment check. Obviously this sounds way too good to be true and it hasn’t happened yet.

Also promised but not delivered - people like me and you now eligible for unemployment.

Now I’m confuzzled about whether I’m applying for unemployement or the SBA “loan”.

The loan makes more sense for me I think because I’m like 1/4th still working.

New York State has added a much better data page today

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So, uh, over 5% of Rikers Island’s inmates have tested positive? Seems quite bad.


There are 2 types of loans allegedly available. The first is the PPP, which is intended to cover payroll. If you don’t have payroll you mostly likely won’t qualify. Details murky, banks have nfi how to deal with this yet.

The second is the EIDA loan which sounds like it might be more targeted to us. 10k grant up front, delivered within 3 days of acceptance, to maybe be turned into a loan at some point in the future. This sounds way way way too good to be true. Details on this are beyond vague and nobody who has applied has heard anything back yet.

eta: you really should be following the bailout thread.

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One anecdotal experience. Was in a Restaurant Depot here which requires a membership and proof of a related business and it was not crowded but fully stocked.

Yeah, in theory it seems unimaginable that the republicans actually went for $900/week unemployment… If they are getting food stamps and free healthcare as well that would be the equivalent of like a $60-70k/year job after taxes.

Derp from the Hill:

And here’s the raw dataset, which has daily number of tests and number of positives by county

As the great bahahahamickey says, best to leave distribution of PPE in a pandemic up to the free market.


Here’s a really interesting breakdown of ICU effectiveness in the UK:


  • Of 2249 patients that were admitted, 690 currently have outcomes. Half lived, half died.
  • If they had to be intubated only 32.7% of patients with known outcomes survived.
  • 73% of those admitted to an ICU were male.
  • Of those 48% survived, as opposed to 55% of women.
  • Fatties are more likely to die in there (57% die at a BMI>30).
  • Outcomes diminish with age. More than 75% of under 50’s survived, fewer than a third of those aged 70+ did.

Not a good time to be an old fat man. Send the young slim women to the factories!


If they are actually giving people $900/week unemployment then I guess Trump is going to be a huge favorite for reelection, probably the last election.

Nobody can actually get through to the unemployment offices to file though, so there’s that.

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Good news is that old, fat and man is not a combo that usually survives long on its own so there are less victims for Covid.

Do you know when they applied?

Suggested thread subtitle
There are two types of countries in April: those who are flattening the curve and those who R0