SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Yeah a friend who owns a small restaurant basically shut down because nobody even wanted to keep working. We’re still doing takeout but even my boss is telling people not to come in unless we make them. Like don’t go out of your way to pick up a shift for someone or do extra cleaning work, just stay home.

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Oregon sending 140 ventilators to New York


True. They could just be lacking employees. Waiters and waitresses aren’t going to make $2 to run food out to cars for long.

People feeling sick or actually being sick can have a huge impact on a small restaurant.

With the unemployment benefit boost, the pool to hire the low end worker has to shrunk enormously.

I suspect restaurants are closed for all the reasons discussed itt recently.

72% of Czechs identify as not religious compared to 39% in the US. @superuberbob, what’s that like?

I expect there will be some fraction of restaurants -1/3? That figure out how to make it work. Of course part of that will be due to less competition.

So choices will be limited the longer this goes but I don’t expect 0 in cities and burbs. Small towns may be different.

Saturday has become our takeout night. I think Outback is the plan. We have some kind of rewards coupon.

Yep, the concierges at our building are standing up for themselves big league. What’s the worst that could happen, they get fired and make more money for at least 4 months than they do now?

People openly mock religion here.

Doesn’t stop far-right wing parties from existing. Czech Republic is hella racist, especially against Muslims.

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Sister confirmed. Also, people mock pretty much everything there, understandably for a country that lived under Hitler and the USSR.

But probably no more far-right than other European countries without an old empire that have had little non-white immigration. I mean, look at Poland and Hungary.

The Romany fill the spot taken up by Muslims in other countries.


I would think Chinese restaurants would be doing very well with take out. If they are closing because they can’t get supplies, there’s a fair chance that you’re going to spend 10 hours in line waiting for a block of government cheese at some point.


This is excellent if we did not already have Electric Superflu.

I think the only way to possibly improve upon it is to add a paranthesis where you complete the lyrics with the same wit.

Otherwise no need to improve on perfection as it stands :facepunch:

Yeah I don’t get it either. I don’t think they were doing badly. Wait times for delivery were like 2 hours so it sure seemed like they were busy when I was ordering.

I mean, the Chinese delivery place near me had it down to a pretty safe science. You called in, they took credit card only, they made you put the credit card info and tip info in at the time of the call, and the delivery guy dropped it at your doorstep, rang the doorbell, and ran back to his car really quickly.

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Around me some places shut down weeks ago just to avoid exposure. Even my auto repair place closed for routine stuff and will only work on emergency repairs for essential workers. I talked to the guy for a bit, because my car needs a head gasket replacement, and he said he didn’t want to risk the interaction with the public.

Can’t say I blame him. Although I was a little surprised he didn’t want to do a head gasket which would net him several hours of labor and no contact at all with me.

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I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that every day my service desk has a line of old people coming in to get their lottery tickets

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  1. Employees that were paid $12/hr/$500 a week suddenly can make $900/week for sitting safely at home 2) supplies needed to create a sanitary work/customer environment are often simply unavailable for any price 3) food costs are flat to way up 4) demand is down to way down

= Slinging general tso’s for $9.99 just isn’t viable for an industry that had massive failure rate in good times.

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So is everyone who got laid off Is making $900/week now? Is that after tax/tax free ?

Wow, you still have a functioning outback? Chain restaurants up here Friday’s/Applebees/etc. were like the first to go under. I don’t think they’re economically feasible using a delivery/takeout only model.

They must feel extra lucky.

Where are they getting $900/week? Can they get the same here in CA? Because ~no delivery places are shut down here.