SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Not to guilt-trip your dad, he did the right thing, but the other guy sounds hella lonely imo.


The course this thing takes for the worst off patients is ghastly. Just an absolute fucking horror show. First pneumonia turns into ards. Vent settings are astronomical. Pressures are huge because the lungs get so stiff. Then the virus attacks cardiac tissue and heart failure kicks in, the heart can’t pump enough blood out of the left ventricle so it backs up into the lungs. Pulmonary hypertension fills the lungs with more fluids and ventilator pressures have to go up more. Then the secondary infections come, they are almost guaranteed for people on a ventilator for 2+ weeks. Sepsis sets in, but we can’t give fluids for it or that will overwhelm the lungs. We have to use vasopressors to keep perfusion to vital organs. But now there isn’t a lot of blood to the extremities. Little pressure injuries rot bringing more infection. Patients we worked on for weeks don’t stand a chance. Oh and a coworker is sitting on a ventilator now, certainly more to follow. If we have 1 critical case there’s probably dozens more in the hospital vaguely sick or asymptotic.


It’s not just Long Island and Downstate. It’s upstate too. Believe me, I know. Cases growing exponentially in my part of the state at a steeper curve every day.

How long timewise from the first point (pneumonia) to the last one?

1,004 new cases in Florida today. Boy, thank you Mr. President! Very smart of you to ship ventilators here so those that don’t die can thank you in November.

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I’ve seen something like this before.

I lost a guy today who was on day 16 on the ventilator.


I recently read that something like 70 to 85 percent of patients that need to go on ventilators for this eventually die. Does that seem in the ballpark or do you think that’s wrong or perhaps I misunderstood something?

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jman knows what’s up. If I took any of this personally, I’d have actually said something worth banning me for by now out of actual frustration or anger.

Though I will admit that I almost pulled something when I rolled my eyes at this ban in particular.

Don’t know, I don’t have enough of a sample size to guess. However I wouldn’t be surprised. ARDS in its many forms has a mortality of 40-60% depending on severity. Add in heart failure and mortality has to jump.

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I would never do something like that. But I have been recently remembering a lot of important things and reaching out to people who I’ve lost touch with in the past that meant a lot to me, etc. So I sort of get it.

Thanks for the answer. And thanks for all you’re doing and sacrificing.



And just a general complaint, human kidneys suck. They will nope the fuck out at the slightest provocation.


Every other goddamn episode of House – “it’s too late, his kidneys are shot”. Apparently surprisingly realistic!


OMG people are fucking psychotic you guys remember me telling you about this coworker?

he just posted this video to his facebook page and i commented that he told me it was just the flu a week before this video was made and that they’re actually laughing at people like him he deleted the comment LOL



Trump: Nobody is handling the virus better than us.

Turkmenistan: Hold my beer.


Probably still more effective than anything the Trump admin has done. People afraid of being arrested for speaking about the pandemic in public = less people out in public. Not bad!


Maybe he wants to see it one more time in case he never gets another chance? Obviously not letting him in was the right choice and this guy should be staying at home, but I can guess where he may have been coming from.

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