Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I’m curious to see which people come together and which people go full dystopia. Did any of you live through Katrina? If you were in that part of the states, you were fucked. Biloxi was knocked off the fucking map. New Orleans underwater. Power down for a long time. Wreckage blocking interstates and highways. No supplies in or out. Good luck refilling your gas tank.

On the other hand, my sister figured since everything in her freezer would spoil, she wouldn’t let it go to waste, so she brought out the grill and invited everyone on her street to stop by at their leisure for free BBQ. That one act changed the energy at least in that small neighborhood. People came together in powerful ways.


I’d love a gif for that.

It’s wild to watch them all swing from “It’s just the flu! CORONA INPEACHMENT HOAX!” to full panic mode over the scary China virus depending on what Fox News tells them. The deplorosphere really hasn’t settled on a consistent message yet.

Old lady at the grocery store today backed up out of the aisle I was walking down and cowered off to the side until I cleared. I must look sickly.


One of my deplorable relatives is now in panic. Even floated the idea that Trump will use the pandemic to indefinitely postpone the election. Crazy to see the mental shift happening in real time. What did you think he was going to do? This is no different than every other self-serving act he’s taken. When Donald tells you who he is, ffs listen. He’s been telling us for 70 years.


Facebook update from this coworker…

Regardless of how you stand on the COVID-19, the real threat to our society will be economic as small to mid-size businesses across the nation close down because you are staying indoors. Watch as your local eateries shut down, the coffee shop you love, the florist, your massage place, that boutique you love to shop at, the day care center you use to use, or the neighborhood gym.

And what’s worse, those who work there will no longer be able to afford their rent. They rely on you to for their day to day lively hood. Watch as your friends in services industries now have no where to live. And it’s not just food services.

See the $10 you tip your server at a restaurant you went to last night then gets spent by that server to buy their coffee, bagel, and tip the barista-owner. That $10 then goes to the daycare their kid is in. And that $10 goes to pay for that daycare owners groceries for the kids at the local corner store. Then that $10 gets spent by the corner store owner to pay the rent of their store. This is known as the multiplier effect of money in local economies.

So that $10 you tipped has a $50 impact on the local economy. And when you remove that $10 at scale, it will be devastating.

On average, 48% of money spent at local businesses gets recirculated into the local economy where as only 14% gets recirculated when you buy from a chain (walmart, costco, amazon). Local businesses NEEEEED your money or the whole thing falls apart.

So please, if you do feel like you need to stay home please shop from local independent grocery stores. Order to-go from local places you eat from. Don’t stop getting coffee from the shop down the street.

Don’t use Amazon, Costco, Walmart for deliveries right now. They don’t need your money. Your friends and neighbors do. Avoid large crowds, wash your hands. But don’t remove yourself from the local economy.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck these people. yeah thanks dick head as you were running laughing at everybody last week i decided to keep my mouth shut and not try to warn people about what is coming because of people like you, and now this fucking guy is going around telling my friends to spend their money like nothing is happening while im planning for the restaurant to get shut down in the next few days. fucking joke.


Do they think that would be a good or bad thing?

Also, how you stand on the COVID-19?

  • Pro-COVID-19
  • Anti-COVID-19

0 voters

Practically? I don’t know. There are real concerns. And I’m not sure I know enough to have an opinion.

I’m just commenting on Donald using every possible chance as an opportunity to seize wealth and power.

lol wat

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You also lose that multiplier effect when you spend that $10 on a bomb that you leave in another country.

I meant how do your deplorable relatives feel about the prospect of Trump cancelling elections. I presume you’re agin it.

NBA commissioner Adam Silver confirmed on March 12 that the league has scope to return after an initial suspension of a month but it appears as if teams are already looking at putting on games virtually using the popular NBA 2K franchise.


Well this one in particular is concerned. The veil has broken with them and Trump over the last twelve months one piece at a time.

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Deplorable radio in my area is still downplaying how bad it is, and how bad it could get, while hyping how the (leftist) media is still to blame.

This could be a key moment for e-sports. Have ESPN cover fortnite or whatever it is the kids are playing now.




I’ve heard a lot of good things about Senegal.

@Jalfrezi, have you hung out there?