Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Big topic of discussion on the Upper East Side moms Facecbook group that my wife is a part of is what to do with household help. Consensus is to keep paying them and let them stay home.


I only know lebatard from when I used to watch Pardon the Interruption years ago and he would fill in for Wilbon with Tony giving him constant grief. Always thought he was amusing and loved his “bam!” intros.

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Customers will still be spending the same amount (or more!) on cable and streaming services, so it could be surprisingly fine for ESPN. They obviously want good viewer numbers for their next round of negotiations on what they can charge cable companies, but if those negotiations are happening after coronavirus, maybe ESPN can just shrug off bad viewership numbers from when there were no sports…

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That took a surprisingly wholesome turn at the end.


Good call, I kind of missed it the first time you said it. I’m terrible at taking a multi-vitamin, I do it for three days and forget for six months. I put mine on top of my water filtration system, so I’ll see them every day and there will be water nearby. Thanks!

Here’s one for people who are looking for healthy (at least relative to pasta/rice), natural food that keeps for a while: hummus. I stocked up on it, and most of it doesn’t expire for over a month… It can also be frozen. I got veggies for it for the first few days, now I’m moving to whole wheat pita bread, next I’ll move to multigrain pita chips. Pita bread can be frozen, too.

Of course, lots of frozen veggies, too. Hummus isn’t exactly broccoli or spinach in terms of nutrition, but it does have a decent amount of vitamins and minerals.


A summary on what the Czech Republic has done so far (maybe has some ideas on what America #1 can do)

-Prohibition of public and private events of over 30 people
-Prohibition of entry of foreigners into the Czech Republic (exceptions made for people with residence permits of longer than 90 days)
-Visas and residence permits are no longer being issued
-Czech citizens and foreigners with residence permits cannot travel abroad
-Trains and buses can no longer travel across borders into or out of the Czech Republic (exceptions for truck drivers and freight trains)
-Catering establishments (restaurants, pubs etc) must stay closed from 8 pm to 6 am
-Gyms, wellness services, entertainment facilities (i.e. theaters) are closed as of today
-Swimming pools and tourist information centers close starting tomorrow night
-People will be checked for symptoms of coronavirus at the 11 border crossings shared by Germany and Austria
-Due date for tax returns will be postponed until July 1st
-Schools are closed (kindergartens are still open though)
-Knowingly spreading coronavirus has been declared a criminal offense with a potential punishment of 12 years imprisonment
-Breaking government mandated quarantine carries a fine of the equivalent of $133,000
-The equivalent of $21,000,000 US is being used to purchase protective equipment for nurses and doctors at hospitals
-Visits to in-patient wards of hospitals and social care institutions (nursing homes, assisted living facilities) are banned with some exceptions (nursing mothers, minors, terminal patients, and incapacitated adults)
-Currently there are 20 lung ventilators for every 100,000 people in the Czech Republic. But a central purchase of 150 more was made

Might have missed some but that’s what I got.


Average pollution for a country the size of the US with vast uninhabited areas is useless if that stat does not compensate for that.

Was this meant to have a link to a multi vitamin?

Fuck mutli-vitamins - I don’t think there’s any evidence that they’re as effective as vitamins from natural sources.


Are you my wife??


We both care about you enough to want you to eat your vegetables, or you’re not leaving the table.


I just looked into them recently and the studies I found just looked at things like reducing the risk of cancer or heart disease and found no correlation between multivitamins and lowering your risks.

I’ve also heard they’re ineffective but couldn’t actually find anything saying they weren’t absorbed by the body so they seem like a decent idea for now, just be careful because some vitamins like A and E will fuck you up in high doses.

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Thanks for the reminder about frozen veggies. Supermarket by me are still well-stocked with fresh fruits and veggies, but I assume that will break down at some point.

Corporate sent an email out basically reminding us how important the customer is and how everything we do is for them. Also you should take care of yourself and we’ll monitor the situation but don’t forget about the customer.


My understanding was that a western diet provides enough vitamins to make multivites useless. I mean shit, all it takes is like a bell pepper a month to keep scurvy away.

Edit: looked it up. It’s actually two bell peppers a month. My b.


In the Czech Republic, coronavirus tests are only covered by insurance if a hygiene office orders it (generally the case with all treatment in universal health care).

However, the government and testing labs have to come an agreement to allow people to go there and pay for it yourself. Since it’s such a new policy (less than a day old), no prices are available but it probably won’t be cheap. They’d want to prevent those places from becoming swamped by hypochondriacs.

My brother and sister in law live in D.C. They both got sick last weekend with flu like symptoms. Dr said they should be tested for COVID-19, and that they had to call the CDC to get tested. CDC said they had to call a different hotline. Hotline said they had to call their dr. After several days, dr told them they can’t get tested but they should self quarantine for 14 days from the time symptoms subside.

My brother has bad asthma, but it sounds like he has started to improve. He works in business, so lots of handshaking. She works for a government agency and regularly interacts with people from other countries. They’ll be staying home for at least 14 days so hopefully both employers are reasonable.

The numbers of infected/killed will be so drastically under reported when this is all said and done.


And the underreporting will continue to impact us down the line. If they make a Coronavirus vaccine, but everyone thinks it only killed 100 people instead of 100,000, why bother getting it?


Also, my brother and his wife are absolutely the type of people who would jump in at the front lines of helping the hardest hit areas if they knew they had some immunity. Not testing will have a snowball effect of making it much harder to deal with this in a few weeks when we don’t know who can safely interact with sick people.

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I hope you weren’t considering something as petty and selfish as your personal health when weighed against a client deliverable. What are you, a Sanders supporter?