Coronavirus (COVID-19)

That actually is.

But the less varied your diet is, the more important a multivitamin supplement is.

A college kid some years back only ate cheese, crackers and pepsi and developed scurvy.

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Vitamin C though.


I have no idea how this business works but it sure seems like someone’s going to be losing billions of dollars when no one is tuning in to watch ESPN.

I don’t see it in that pic.

Good thing they grind up a couple multivitamins and mix them in with my Lucky Charms.

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A few years back I went to one of the cinemas here (Paris) that show old films all the time. It was a 70s police thing with Burt Reynolds and Catherine Deneuve, Paris loves old US crime films (as do I). They were driving about and the topic of hamburgers came up, Catherine spoke passionately about how much she hated them and how Paris would never accept them. We all laughed at her as every café in town serves them and new hipster hamburger places open up every 30 seconds. Sad stuff.

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It’s an idea to be improved on.
A visual clue for people to be more conscious of other people in need or with help to offer.

You’re insane. Stay home. Holy shit

KC had a flood in '78 that was sending cars down the street. Power was out for a few days. Our neighborhood had tons of trees fall and crush things.

I seem to remember the NHL strike as one of the catalysts to ESPN’s primetime coverage of the WSOP and ensuing poker boom. Maybe ESPN has a boatload of little to never aired WSOP footage they could put out there and bring in poker boom 2.0? One time please?

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My LeBatard arc. I used to think it was terrible. I then started to enjoy it. I now am back to thinking it’s terrible.


If enough people there have the same view it’s probably already present.

Whatever’s that sauce is crucial.

If you were making a dig at USA#1’s eating habits and nutritional understanding though, yeah, we’re saying the same thing. Imagine it more ridiculous with an even more ridiculous sense of invincibility.

“You mean I can’t stop eating the vitamin C for 6 months? My teeth will fall out? But I’m American.”

Post Malone doing his part to build up herd immunity among the youngs.

Poker boom 2.0 will never happen in the US without online poker legalization.

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So this sheds some light on what was likely going on in those social media videos of shitty temporary Chinese hospitals full of sick people “left for dead” with no doctors and no O2. They had probably sorted them out and sent the mild cases to the places without any/many doctors and just let them ride it out there, but they probably did a shit job of communicating that to their population, let alone the outside world.

Meanwhile mild cases still suck symptomatically, especially if you don’t know you’re not going to die from it. Hence people panicking and sending out those videos.

The concern for the US is that our method of quarantining will not be like theirs. This is going to be a problem for us, and it’s going to result in a lot more old people getting coronavirus here than have to. The comforting thing is that I assume there are way more multi-generational homes in China than here that have 3+ generations in one household. Here I’m guessing a higher percentage of people 70+ are either in nursing homes or still living on their own, relatively speaking.

Perhaps rather than quarantining sick people outside of their household, we’re able to solve this problem by locking down nursing homes VERY carefully. Problem is, will the systems/leaders figure this out in time? Especially since these nursing homes are mostly for-profit?


IME living in France and traveling Europe, they have a much higher rate of people who do smoke compared to the USA, but it’s more social/casual in nature. The USA is far more likely to have your pack a day+ heavy smokers.


Permanent work from home in a small NYC apartment sure gets one stir crazy real fast. Just ran out for some fresh air, a roll of TP, and some Chinese takeout (felt bad a they just be getting crushed). Being outside for 10 mins felt glorious.