SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Daily new deaths graph doesn’t make any kind of sense. There’s some weird shit going on with how these are being collected. For total cases, it really looks like we’ve passed the inflection point. We’re still in for a long fight.

I think there might be a weekend effect where deaths pile up and then maybe another day lag and Tuesday a big whallop comes. We’ll see. I know reporting is pretty screwy on the weekend - especially Sunday.


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Good Riddance March (Not the Time of Our Lives)

Dear west coast,


The future


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I dunno. Berdymuhamedov is far closer to Kim Jong Un than Trump. He is one of the very few leaders who I think has Trump clearly beat on the shitty human scale. And there aren’t many.

Dumb-ass bet. Looks like he’s done taking action. I’d do $1k on the over but rooting for death feels bad. But then again I’d be thrilled to lose.

He’s definitely gonna scoop everyone when they just stop reporting deaths entirely.


What terms was he offering? What was official count to be used?

worldometers is the official count, even money

Y’all are talking about a “weekend effect” as if primary healthcare providers are going home for the weekends and doing the Sunday crossword. They’re working two shifts seven days a week clad in trashbags because they’ve run out of proper PPE. There’s no “weekend” for these people.


The doctors aren’t the ones reporting the numbers, state bureaucrats are.


Dude. Obviously the healthcare workers are killing themselves 24/7. I specifically said bean counters might get the day off or something. Frontline healthcare workers are not bean counters.

I’m saying the bodies pile up they just aren’t being counted and added to the official statistics. I watch the stats all day long. Chiefsplanet was going nuts about the low death counts on Sunday. Turns out NYC didn’t even report.

I have no idea whether they go back and retroactively add to a certain day given the time of the death, or the death just goes on that day. If they’re super nitty about making sure the death goes in the official stats based on time of death - then that’s a whole different story.

Also if you look at worldometers, johnshopkins, and this site - - they all have weird anomolies where things don’t get recorded for a day, then the next day is double, etc. I don’t think any of this stuff is super precise right now. They’re way off from Cuomo’s press conferences on new hospitalizations, which bugs the crap out of me.

Oh I know…

I’m only hoping June will be better than April.

…Looking forward to the bad taste April Fool Joke stories coming today…

I feel like I can see the end of this tunnel as far as the first wave.

But the fact that Wuhan can open up basically nothing really concerns me. We need some treatment or a summer pause or I don’t know what our country and economy is going to look like at the end of all this.

Even 18 months would be a massive record for a new vaccine.

We should officially make every day Fool’s Day in USA#1 as long as Boomers are retweeting Russian bots and shit.

That doesn’t explain why the total # of cases isn’t showing these anomalies. Y’all are spinning some just-so stories.

Wuhan is scheduled to open up next week.

Total # of cases could be a completely different gathering process.

People are at least able to walk the streets now in Wuhan for the first time in 70 days. Some are returning to work. You get a green or red light on your phone that says whether you’re allowed to leave your house. That’s not dystopian at all.

They opened a theater and karoke bar for one day, then shut it back down. It’s unclear when stuff like that will ever be able to open again.

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