SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Also, just checking the calendar, but March 30th wasn’t on the weekend and march 28th was? Both days showed a large increase? This whole weekend siesta theory doesn’t line up as well as you guys might like it to.There are two days in a weekend.

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It’s probably Lupus


Pony probably slaughtered but that is a 2p2 enthusiast i have easily bet more than 1 million against over the years.

I think that’s why it was posted here. Also, I believe he has posted on UP although I haven’t seen any posts by him recently.

Oh fuck i forgot he had posted here some.

I took the over for $5k, but winning side has to donate the $ to charity. I’ll likely match EM2 for the $5k if the > 50k does hit


Damn, if Faux is putting up that graphic then I’d say 200k deaths is probably the minimum we’ll see, and that’s just reported deaths.


Only hope is all they care about is the election and so would purposefully exaggerate so Donnie can take his victory lap.

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Yeah, the only thing funny about the numbers is some posters’ itt expectations of the smoothness of their distribution.


If you think Berdymuhamedov is clearly a worse person than Trump you just think there’s more variance in people than there actually is. They just operate under very different circumstances.


Agreed, but the circumstances change people. Give Trump dictatorial power for a few years and he becomes even worse than he is now.

If we get to the unfortunate point of having to turn people away at the hospitals to die then they should check your social media history, texts, any travel history, etc.

I’d rather save a 90 year old who’s been quarantining for a couple weeks than some dipshit who went to a corona party or Spring Break after everything else was already being shut down.


Isn’t EmpireMaker a huge dog on the <50k deaths prop bet in light of the Faux News graphic saying a range of 100-240k is the new target w/intervention? Feels like we’re favorites now to top 100k.

OTOH, Faux could be shifting expectations so that if we get a # like 80k they can fall over themselves congratulating Trump on beating estimates.

He could have gotten even money at 100k.

Red Rover is watching you

Just a slight derail: I know we have several lawyers here. My girlfriend has joint custody of her 2 year old with her ex. He is an EMT and recently transported an infected COVID-19 patient. No test is available to him at this time, and he will continue to be around infections of course. Any chance she can deny his turns with their daughter in the best interest of the child? Seems the family courts aren’t hearing any cases at the moment. He is demanding his time with her at the moment - supposed to get her back next Monday.

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It’s a mistake IMO to say the nation is past the inflection point. That would be like saying all of Europe is past an inflection point.

New York may be, hopefully. But it’s way too soon to tell for numerous cities/states. Florida has twice the population of Lombardy.

The overall US graph will likely have a series of inflection points depending on the specific timing. Right now NYC has a massive impact on the overall graph. That’ll lessen over time.


Pretty much. There are going to be a ton of “cause undetermined”, flu, pneumonia, etc deaths. If the official number is CDC he’ll win cause Trump can dictate how they count, whereas he can’t stop a state from declaring their own count.

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Is that the case? I thought they just let people back out. If they can’t, then that supports the idea that we shouldn’t lock down super hard here. The whole point of it is to eradicate the virus locally. If that can’t be accomplished then all that matters is not breaking through hospital capacity.

As far as I’m concerned my expectation is no crowds over 50 will be the norm until we get either:

A) Widespread treatment
B) Widespread vaccine
C) Widespread testing

Our economy can survive that, there will be major shifts and various companies will get whacked pretty hard but they’ll be creative and others will benefit. We’ll likely get widespread testing available in the private sector by this summer is my guess, which will create some opportunities for events/travel.

A lot of jobs will also be created by the fallout. We’re going to have to produce stuff domestically that we haven’t in years. Deliveries will go up a ton. People losing service sector jobs can get those for 12-18 months til we shift back.

The government just has to keep greasing the skids to cushion that transition, while also increasing hospital/ICU/ventilator capacities so that we can keep easing restrictions (especially on people under 60) without paying the ultimate price.

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Not a lawyer, and it sounds like they aren’t on good terms, but can she offer him extra time later after he’s cleared a 2-week period or gets testing available? Given the circumstances maybe he’d accept that…