COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Well until you get to Arcara, CA - then it’s pretty populated going up the Oregon coast. Then in WA it gets unpopuated again.

If you’ve been watching the draft - sooooo many family draft parties with people who probably qualify as obese. I really hope we’ve passed the most dangerous point and those don’t end in deaths.

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Nova has an episode featuring a guy who literally found evidence of the giant flood caused by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Like we now have a fossil record of that day 65 million years ago. It’s so cool.

I always try to imagine if there’s some insane sci-fi way we could recover something like a video or sound recording of dinosaurs. Like light waves still traveling for 65 million years - but bouncing back and forth or something. I know it’s ridiculous but man.

After today’s press conference, I decided to check out r/AskTrumpSupporters reaction to Dr. Trump’s recommendation of injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19. Unfortunately no such thread was up. However there is this thread:

The general consensus was:


Nah. NFL will tell Jerry to give Dak whatever he’s asking plus $25 million to keep it quiet.

EM2 probably should stick to betting on Chinese LoL players.

In all fairness, I don’t live in the Dystopian Nightmare of the United States.

The Czech Republic had 55 news cases yesterday which was the lowest in 6 weeks. Less than 1% of the tests came back positive.

For people living here, the worry is the sudden removal of restrictions that came about due to a court case ruling that the restrictions were illegally passed. We’ll find out how that changes things come next week.

Fighting a war in someone else’s country that results in a middling estimate of 2.5 million deaths, but only counting American casualties.

UP 2020


Please tell me your thumb suddenly feeling like it’s dislocated for no reason isn’t an early covid symptom.

I still think we’re just coming to terms with the fact that we were all nuked some time ago. And now our sense of reality is affected because we’re hovering somewhere in purgatory. It’s weird.


Not for public sector pension plan actuaries!


Oh you China

Sounds like a masterbation with weird prostrate massage overuse injury.


As even I was getting pulled into the AB testing headlines:


Around these parts what we call daddy long legs don’t do that.

You’re talking about a nest like this?

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Not really. I think Coos Bay is the biggest city on the Oregon Coast with like 16k people. Not to do that argument from authority thing, but I lived in Oregon for 5 years and have bicycled the entire coast.

I guess “populated” is relative, but the towns are all small. It’s not wilderness like the lost coast.

With all these drones and guided missiles we’ve almost achieved death-free war.


About a decade ago I stayed in a B&B in a little village outside Stratford upon Avon. I got up early one morning and went for a wander through the nearby fields. In one of them there must have been literally millions of ginny spinners (daddy longlegs with wings). It was like the entire field was moving. One of the weirdest nature moments I’ve come accross. Strangely beautiful yet completely disconcerting.


lolololol - My daughter’s gymnastics coach sent out an e-mail this morning that they are “tenatively” planning to re-open on May 11th. In Georgia.

WHO launches plan to fast-track vaccine

World leaders have launched a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative to speed up the research, development and distribution of vaccines, drugs and tests against the coronavirus.

"Our shared commitment is to ensure all people have access to all the tools to defeat Covid-19,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

Speaking via video link at the launch, French President Emmanuel Macron said a vaccine should be “available to everyone around the world” when it is ready.

Other world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, echoed that sentiment, describing a vaccine against Covid-19 as a universal public good.

The US, whose President Donald Trump recently said he would withdraw American funding from the WHO, says it will not take part in the initiative.