COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Sounds like a masterbation with weird prostrate massage overuse injury.


As even I was getting pulled into the AB testing headlines:


Around these parts what we call daddy long legs don’t do that.

You’re talking about a nest like this?

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Not really. I think Coos Bay is the biggest city on the Oregon Coast with like 16k people. Not to do that argument from authority thing, but I lived in Oregon for 5 years and have bicycled the entire coast.

I guess “populated” is relative, but the towns are all small. It’s not wilderness like the lost coast.

With all these drones and guided missiles we’ve almost achieved death-free war.


About a decade ago I stayed in a B&B in a little village outside Stratford upon Avon. I got up early one morning and went for a wander through the nearby fields. In one of them there must have been literally millions of ginny spinners (daddy longlegs with wings). It was like the entire field was moving. One of the weirdest nature moments I’ve come accross. Strangely beautiful yet completely disconcerting.


lolololol - My daughter’s gymnastics coach sent out an e-mail this morning that they are “tenatively” planning to re-open on May 11th. In Georgia.

WHO launches plan to fast-track vaccine

World leaders have launched a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative to speed up the research, development and distribution of vaccines, drugs and tests against the coronavirus.

"Our shared commitment is to ensure all people have access to all the tools to defeat Covid-19,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

Speaking via video link at the launch, French President Emmanuel Macron said a vaccine should be “available to everyone around the world” when it is ready.

Other world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, echoed that sentiment, describing a vaccine against Covid-19 as a universal public good.

The US, whose President Donald Trump recently said he would withdraw American funding from the WHO, says it will not take part in the initiative.

Remember when George W. Bush was the president, and we were all like, omg I can’t believe we have a moron as the president? What we really meant was, wow, it is shocking that someone of merely average intelligence could attain such an office. This current guy though, now THAT is a moron.

He is literally every dipshit that quit school in the 8th grade that uses a Clorox wipe and thinks, jeez, if this kills the virus so good… and then gives it a tentative lick.


Trump asks why they don’t just make the plane out of the black box, but not as a joke.


I’d really appreciate feedback:


This is definitely a weird one as I have had a couple family members who have done taxes as their primary business, and as a side business, and it seems like 90% of the job is easily done at home and the other ten percent is fairly easy to mitigate at this time.

Sounds like they have a controlling boss who needs to be lording over their employees.

Stoked you’re doing this, thank you!

So far I’d say the white background and light text makes it pretty hard to read. Then again my monitor is kinda bright right now.

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Yes. But. Trump is a time bomb. Having him as president was always going to lead to one bigger catastrophe after another. He is a moron and a narcissist. This shit is awful but in a vacuum may actually be the best case scenario of a Trump presidency. Something bad was always going to happen and he was always going to respond in a way that made the problem worse. This has already happened many times. It’s always just a question of whether everyone can clean up the mess until he moves on.

I agree but it was just a question of how big the bad thing was going to be. This was definitely not a top 25% outcome on the spectrum of possible outcomes. We definitely needed to run good to get out unscathed, but we had a real chance of sucking out until this thing hit.

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Looking good thanks for doing these. If I’m nitpicking, the plots aren’t very mobile friendly, and if you used something like LaTeX for the formulas they would be clearer imo.

Latest numbers from Cuomo

Daily confirmed COVID hospital and nursing home deaths since peak
April 8: 799
April 9: 777
April 10: 783
April 11: 758
April 12: 671
April 13: 778
April 14: 758
April 15: 606
April 16: 630
April 17: 540
April 18: 507
April 19: 478
April 20: 481
April 21: 474
April 22: 438
April 23: 422

My website publication sophistication is low. Tips are welcome. Thx. I may or may not get to them this time but will get better.

I’m nearing my covid project daily allotment that allows me to stay sane. I could do it all day every day but my wife might start checking the life insurance policy carefully. Heck I have to take timeouts from you guys.


It goes to 0 in 15 days if it keeps up at this rate.

Is that a linear function?