COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Yeah like I said - it might actually get fuzzy between first wave and second wave. But I think re-opening will still be with masks in most places, better habits, and not opening bars, concerts, sporting events, etc.

R0 will be a lot lower in the second wave so it will be more of a slow burn. Plus the most vulnerable places like NYC might already have 20-25% herd immunity - so that will slow things down. Unless you can still catch this thing a few months after getting it the first time, then WAAF.

Not sure if serious. Not, right? Anyway, the article Chris linked to says the land could move 30 to a hundred feet to the west.

iirc there arenā€™t really any big cities in the path of a cascadia subduction zone tsunami. Victoria might have a bit of a sweat, but Seattle, Portland and Vancouver shouldnā€™t see much more than a high tide.

The West Coast north of SF is just remarkably devoid of cities/population.

Nope. Sheā€™s just like that. Worries about things like asteroids too. She doesnā€™t worry about arriving at a bus station in downtown Los Angeles at 2am by herself, but asteroids, earthquakes, volcanos and daddy long legs are all pretty serious.


I was serious, maybe I misread the article I read on this ~a year ago and it was feet, not miles.

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Dak Prescottā€™s 31-year-old brother died, he weighed 350 pounds. No official word on the cause of death, but you may recall Dak and Ezekiel Elliott threw a party on 4/10. If this is coronavirus, itā€™s going to get a lot of attention.


OMG - we had a nest of daddy long legs in the eave of our house in the midwest. Like hundreds of them. I decided to spray them with Raid while barefoot for some reason and they all dropped down right on me. Nightmare fuel.


Well until you get to Arcara, CA - then itā€™s pretty populated going up the Oregon coast. Then in WA it gets unpopuated again.

If youā€™ve been watching the draft - sooooo many family draft parties with people who probably qualify as obese. I really hope weā€™ve passed the most dangerous point and those donā€™t end in deaths.

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Nova has an episode featuring a guy who literally found evidence of the giant flood caused by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Like we now have a fossil record of that day 65 million years ago. Itā€™s so cool.

I always try to imagine if thereā€™s some insane sci-fi way we could recover something like a video or sound recording of dinosaurs. Like light waves still traveling for 65 million years - but bouncing back and forth or something. I know itā€™s ridiculous but man.

After todayā€™s press conference, I decided to check out r/AskTrumpSupporters reaction to Dr. Trumpā€™s recommendation of injecting disinfectant to treat COVID-19. Unfortunately no such thread was up. However there is this thread:

The general consensus was:


Nah. NFL will tell Jerry to give Dak whatever heā€™s asking plus $25 million to keep it quiet.

EM2 probably should stick to betting on Chinese LoL players.

In all fairness, I donā€™t live in the Dystopian Nightmare of the United States.

The Czech Republic had 55 news cases yesterday which was the lowest in 6 weeks. Less than 1% of the tests came back positive.

For people living here, the worry is the sudden removal of restrictions that came about due to a court case ruling that the restrictions were illegally passed. Weā€™ll find out how that changes things come next week.

Fighting a war in someone elseā€™s country that results in a middling estimate of 2.5 million deaths, but only counting American casualties.

UP 2020


Please tell me your thumb suddenly feeling like itā€™s dislocated for no reason isnā€™t an early covid symptom.

I still think weā€™re just coming to terms with the fact that we were all nuked some time ago. And now our sense of reality is affected because weā€™re hovering somewhere in purgatory. Itā€™s weird.


Not for public sector pension plan actuaries!


Oh you China