COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

It seems more than likely Namath is experiencing justifiable anxiety and depression over the current situation - as opposed to the kind of clinical anxiety and depression that comes out of the blue (or certain triggers) and is a completely different animal.

Sort of like what we’re all experiencing to some degree or another - maybe?

I talked to my psychiatrist the other day because I needed a ritalin renew. She said if you weren’t a little depressed about what’s going on it would be abnormal.

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I read somewhere that the 99 year leases which happen in some parts of Europe cost almost the same as buying. Which puts on monetary value on how much people really care about their grandkids and great grandkids.

I saw the US one of that and thought it was fake lol. How the fuck do they do that?

Sure. But I’d also be willing to make major sacrifices in my lifestyle to prevent fucking the earth for future generations. I just don’t want to be the only one pissing into the ocean trying to make a difference.

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Trump not getting reelected will be so massively huge for this country. SCOTUS, saving 100s of 1000s of lives from covid, repairing institutions, fading the end of democracy for a while longer, so much more.

I think this wave will be under 100k, and even if the administration would like to push through the second wave to herd immunity, people just aren’t going to do that. So maybe another 100k over next fall-winter-spring. Just a WAG.

I’d be thrilled if this one is under 100K but I don’t see it.

Edit: I mean maybe officially with the count being suppressed.

I mean, that’s definitely not going to happen?

Figuring out the slow tail is really hard, and of course even defining “first wave” could turn out to be fuzzy. But here’s Italy:

They’re at 25k deaths right now. Just eyeballing the area under that curve puts them at 30k-35k deaths?

So extrapolate for the US by comparing peak to peak:

Our peak is (maybe) 2683. Our peak could go higher but probably not way out of bounds exponentially higher unless we totally re-open the country or something. Italy’s peak was 919. Therefore our total deaths should be something like 3x theres. Or 90k-105k.

(Unless it’s actually 3-squared because area or something, I’m buzzed)

My daughter actually freaks out about that.

We’ve all got some little bunch of neurons in our brains that really wants to be correct about stuff. I’ve got a pretty active batch myself. For every single one of us here, there’s a strong possibility that that bunch of neurons is being pretty silly. That’s especially true for the rest of you guys.


Yeah this should get way more attention than it does. Current best estimate of the possibility of another megathrust earthquake in Cascadia is somewhere between 1 in 10 and 1 in 6 in the next 50 years. For anyone TLDRing the above article, which is a great piece, here’s the cliffs on that:

Kenneth Murphy, who directs FEMA’s Region X, the division responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Alaska, says, “Our operating assumption is that everything west of Interstate 5 [in Oregon and Washington] will be toast.”

So basically you have aces and if your opponent flops a set with his underpair, everything west of the I-5 will be obliterated sometime in the next 50 years.

So The Rolling Stones just released their first original song in 8 years

About London being a ghost town.

I kind of actually digged the song. Such a weird fucking time.


It goes on to say they think 13000 people would die. Up until they got to that point I thought they were getting at something more like most of the population, ie millions would die.

But we’re going to do some degree of reopening, and short of eradicating the virus (no chance), it’s not going to zero anytime soon. And while our outbreaks in some areas are under control, it’s just getting toward the worst part of the curve on the growth side in some places, right? Lower population there, but it’s still going to run the totals up more than the IHME projections.

Did you take her to see Dante’s Peak at like Age 8?

If I recall correctly, the experts think the big one there would move everything west of the I-5 something like 20 miles to the west during a ~10 minute quake, which will be followed by a devastating tsunami around 10 minutes later.

Death toll is like 13K in the winter, but over 100K in the summer due to beach goers.

I’m pretty sure I’m the only human that isn’t affected by this. I can see irrationality clearly in everyone else but not in myself. So either I’ve got a huge blind spot or I’m the chosen one. I’ve done a few thought experiments and determined the latter is 78% more likely than the former.

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Wait until the Permian Traps reappear. You softies will be praying for your Cascadia subduction zone.