

More user control of their own posts fits in with my understanding of that term.


Is it even an available feature?

This is not practical, but the biggest reason I donā€™t post here more is the mega threads that basically lose focus. Like I usually have 10-30 min at a time to kill and want to get up to date on the latest political news, so reddit and twitter are just better for finding focused discussion on what has happened today and not people talking about more long term issues. At the end of the day, we donā€™t have the user base to have constant discussions of the latest trending topic,so itā€™s not really fixable. For the most part, I think this place is decent for what it is, which is more slow paced discussion with a smaller number of people that you get to ā€œknowā€ more than on twitter/reddit. Itā€™s just not usually what Iā€™m looking for.

The other issue is posters like anachronistic and Victor who IMO are abusive and mostly content free. I ignore them but they unfortunately still clog up threads. I wish more people would just ignore them, but being community based cuts both ways and others can engage with them if they want. So I donā€™t have a solution there either.


Come join us for a Walrus or two. We are a community thatā€™s as much or more about Walrus as politics :slight_smile:


Megathreads suck. I donā€™t go near them.

I am learning to dislike them. I used to love them precisely because they required me to check in so often in order to keep up. I was never bored. But now keeping up with them feels like an obligation, and good lord what a timesuck, so I just accept that I will check on them from time to time and end up skipping hundreds and hundreds of posts in order to see where the discussion is currently at.

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Iā€™m 2000 posts behind on the Trump thread and I donā€™t give a shit!


If you fall behind just read the 20 most recent posts and youā€™re good.

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Click the post number at the bottom right and you can select which day you want to skip to.



Hello, Iā€™d like to revisit this:

Iā€™d like to try to resolve the question of whether or not Iā€™m allowed to post in this forum.

I doubt Iā€™d ever be a very frequent poster; I wasnā€™t in the old forum, and Iā€™m not even in P&S. But I do spend a fair amount of time reading threads here, and I enjoyed participating in the Programming thread, Lapkaā€™s thread, and making the occasional political comment.

The reason Iā€™ve changed my mind about resolving this is just that it seems clear from all the other ongoing hostilities that arguing about me isnā€™t going to destroy this forum. It was probably way too egotistical of me to have ever worried about it.

So, I have no idea how it should be resolved. Smaccā€™s suggestion is fine by me, but itā€™s not up to me. Iā€™m just looking for some moderator to tell me if Iā€™m allowed to post here or not, on whatever basis they want.

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A mod isnā€™t going to tell you that - thatā€™s not their role here. Have you been paying attention? :grin:

This is fair enough, and in the absence of smaccā€™s post I would have just kept doing what I was doing. But since a moderator has said that there should be some community-driven process to resolve the question, and since I short-circuited that process myself, it doesnā€™t seem right not to present myself for judgement now, as it were.

I canā€™t imagine you posting will be the thing that finally kicks us into establishing some sort of ban procedure so as long as youā€™re fine with petty snipes after every post thereā€™s nothing stopping you.

Posting is a human right. Never ask permission.

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LOL at banning well named, wtf. As long as heā€™s not looking for another Petri dish subforum to grow fash cultures in, I donā€™t see the issue.


Agree with geewhysee at least in as much as you shouldnā€™t ask permission. It definitely shouldnā€™t be put on Smacc to decide (I doubt very much that heā€™d want to do that). And I strongly support your being allowed to post.


How do we know this isnā€™t exactly what heā€™s doing?

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I guess weā€™ll just have to play his little gameā€¦ for now.