
I am open to counters, but I’d prefer it just as a component of my forum experience. If someone is so desperate to read/reply to my posts that they create a gimmick, lol go ahead, but I’d rather the people I ignore be free to engage with everyone else but not even be able to see my posts.

Doesn’t even have to be as strong as twitters block. Just a this person has you on ignore message and you have to click on each post individually to see.

Ty. I have some immediate objections to some of what you quoted but want to first read the discussion and give it some thought. Thanks Oreo. You’re a Cookie.

Edit: oh lol only four posts. Okay.

So I wouldn’t want an admin changing someone else’s preferences, but I should be able to make it so a specific user can’t see my posts.

What’s the difference in me stating in an OP “this person is not allowed to post ITT” vs me having the option to put them on ignore so we can’t see each other’s posts? I’d argue I mostly see the former throughout forums, but the second option is far preferable for no other reason than no need to publicly call that user out.

There are a few users I have no desire to ban, but I don’t want them to be a part of my forum experience. I don’t want to see their posts and I don’t want them to see mine. It’s a boundary for me if that will ever be possible to implement.

Blocking others from seeing your posts is a step too far for me. It would potentially ruin that person’s enjoyment of threads by disrupting the continuity of posts, when all they may have done to earn being blocked is disagree with someone about something.


Iron is the worst poster on this site

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I’ll try to step up my game.



On reddit you can just delete all your previous posts. I like the view that my posts are mine, not the sites and if I make you have to click an extra button to read my posts that’s my decision. Note that the other option being discussed is outright banning which would ruin that person’s enjoyment of threads far more.


It opens the floodgates to potential abuse by trolls.

Troll signs up and to cause maximum disruption prevents a selection of regs from being able to see his posts, so all they can see is a mixture of people demanding a banning and others engaging in debate with someone whose posts they can’t even read to judge for themselves. Ugh.

And the idea that your own posts are so sacred that you have authority over who can and can’t read them is meh and totally against the spirit of this site.


Always with the ironing.

Presumably that’s why we have mods tho, no? Ah well, perhaps Twitter has spoiled me.

I say fair point that blocking someone might be fine on an individual level but is counter to a community-based forum. At that level, people I ignore can’t PM me anyway, so I already have what I consider fair and functional after all and will consider the matter settled :+1:

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He’s wrong the most, perhaps, but his diversity of opinion makes him one of the most valuable posters here.

I don’t see how thats any different from now. Trolls can register and if they post badly people will call for their banning. If they start to see people are ignoring them, they can try to improve rather than threads being hijacked into discussions about how bad they are. The most posters anybody is ignored by is like 10 so it won’t be like they can’t read anything. I also think they should be able to read any post they want by clicking a button.

I don’t think my posts are sacred, I just think they’re mine.


Not really. What currently happens is if a troll post badly a long debate ensues about whether to perma him, temp ban him or put him on ignore, depending on the content of their posts.

If you can’t see his posts you don’t have an opinion and won’t be able to vote on what action to take. You have effectively been disenfranchised on this forum by a troll.

We aren’t banning people now. This is a proposal that imo will greatly reduce the stupid debates on banning bad posters. Like I say you should be banned, you read it and respond etc etc etc. Like I pretty much stopped posting in 2020 threads because of just a couple posters high-jacking vast sections , you can probably guess who they are. I have no desire to vote on their fate. They aren’t breaking any rules afaik, so I don’t care what happens to them.



I have just discovered Iron is a real poster and you were not making a joke about irony…

Why should you be able to? This is a public forum, the idea is to foster discussion about topics. You should be allowed to control your own experience but no one else’s. You have no authority over anyone else in this forum and should have no control over what they see or don’t see. If there are people you don’t want reading your posts send a shit-ton of private messages to people.


Your posts are yours, but you have licensed the site to do whatever the hell we as a community want to do with them. (At least if our boilerplate is the same as 22s was)

Your control over your content ends at whether to post it or not and whether you leave it up or not. Not who gets to see it among active members of the site.

You don’t want to decide their fate by participating in the forum as it is designed, but you are fine deciding their fate by fiat and depriving them of content the rest of the site gets to see.

You need to adjust your understanding of what “own” means in the context of your content on this or any other site you participate in.

I’m not saying legally. I’m saying if we are really community owned people should have more control over their own posts. I largely stopped participating here fwiw. Not mostly because of this, but I would be more likely to post/read politics threads if some changes like this were made.

And I honestly don’t see how me reading and responding to someone who has me on ignore and won’t read my response “fosters discussion”.

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