Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

Can you or someone else please show me where the “block” link is on this site so I can mute that hypocritical, racist-enabling scumbag?

You can also go to the users profile and in the upper right hand corner click the “normal” button and then select ignored.


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Haha, I never claimed to have succeeded :stuck_out_tongue:

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I couldn’t find all of the options on my phone. I finally went to my laptop and was able to block that POS.

Thank you. I was about 5 minutes away from going all JohnnyTruant on him.


I don’t wish to derail this thread, but I tried to preclude this exact sort of derail when I posted asking whether I was allowed to post here

If you feel strongly about it, maybe you should bring it up in that thread?

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Why the fuck can I still see you?


There’s no need for anyone to starve, just like there’s no reason for rental units to be unoccupied while some people don’t have a home.

I thought maybe WN would draw the line at not letting conpiritard imbeciles spread false information about a public health crisis, but no.

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Spoken like a middle class dude who cares about his credit, but it got a smile out of me nonetheless.

Are you thinking that you’re going to get a judgment against them and garnish wages or something? Have you ever tried to actually do this? It’s damn near impossible and unless they owe you a shitload of money, often more expensive to collect on than the original judgment is worth.

I think we need to spend a little more time investigating this notion of “non-violent evictions” because I guarantee nobody has moved beyond thought level 0 with them.

What is this violence?

Alright I admit, that was actually a pretty good answer.

One quick follow up question. What is the violence?

Just to clarify, in general when I use the term ‘violence’ I’m including credible and immediate threats. For example, if a robber gives their victim a money-or-your-life choice, I’d say that’s ‘violence’ regardless which option the victim chooses.

So, using this usage…

If goon #1 successfully gives their victim the pay-me-my-monthly-ransom-or-it’d-be-a-shame-if-your-home-burned-down choice -and- goon #2 successfully gives the same victim the pay-me-my-monthly-ransom-or-i’d-be-a-shame-if-the-sherrif-threw-you-your-family-and-all-your-belongings-out-into-the-street choice…

I’d say, over the course of a year, that the victim suffered 24 instances of ‘violence’.

Am I correct to assume that you believe that It is still considered violence if the Goonie was fully aware that he entered an agreement that if he didn’t pay that the Sheriff would throw him as well as his belongings out on the street? Is this a fair starting point?

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Have you explained what a non-violent eviction looks like yet?

Because if it involves just asking nicely until they comply… I’m not sure where we go from there.

“Please sir, will you pay us?”

“I will take your request into consideration. But also, no, I will not.”

" =( "

No. And you gotta point. Saying ‘violent evictions’ is just as redundant as saying ‘wet water’.

That usage is just a way to remind all the folks here in Unstuckland that we aren’t really talking about this lol-tastical “urban planning” shiz at all… we’re really, and only, talking about the institutionalized use of violence.

Got it, so you have no input on an actual alternative that isn’t simply, “Don’t do the thing I don’t like.”

If it were me in your position, they’d accuse me of just trolling and call for bans. Thing is, I’m never in your position. I will at least put myself out there and offer something even when I know won’t play well to the crowd.

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Well, it’s not a matter of the ‘believe’. That gave me a chuckle.

Raining is a term of description. Violence is also a term of description. For example, the branding of a person or animal with a hot iron is a violent act. Why the act being described came to be doesn’t change anything. The branding of a slave is an act of violence. An artist branding a geek, who is into that kinda body art, is also performing a violent act. Water falling out of the sky, when caused by a natural storm, is described as raining. Water falling out of the sky, when caused by cloud seeding, is also described as raining.

still grunching
