
The issue is that he didn’t ban terrible posters on 2p2. Also, he moderated people for being “mean” if they were openly and obviously mean, but anyone with more than 1/4th of a brain could be extremely mean/racist/terrible and still avoid moderation. Also, collaboration with MM - which really we all did.

In that case, I think we should let him post. But assign him a “worse than coronavirus” badge.

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Can we at least ban the guy who mocks school shooting victims when he inevitably shows up?


tbh, I used to think you were trolling me when you made comments like this, but over time I’ve come to think you’re serious. You seem to have some pretty basic facts wrong about the history though. For example, you seem to think I was involved in some subtle plot to overthrow the 2+2 politics forum, whereas in reality I pretty much always said I thought it should be left alone, despite having a few complaints with it. My fetish was always the idea of a second forum, not to take over the first.

It’s not hard for me to understand why people dislike my decision to open a new forum on 2+2, or why they don’t like the way it’s run (though the hyperbole is way over the top about the actual content). But it is hard for me to relate to your view of me as some kind of villainous mastermind.

In any case, I’m not sure that I can really answer your objection. You won’t believe me when I tell you I don’t want to tell anyone else what to do here. I’m glad this forum exists as it is and I don’t have any interest in changing it. I’d just like to participate when the mood strikes me. Since it seems like a fruitless argument I usually just ignore it, but since we’re here I’ll say that much.


It wasn’t terribly subtle.

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Respectfully, please bow out of this conversation if you admittedly are ignorant of the relevant history.


wil and the other deplorables ran amok in gleeful celebration of an anti-racist protestor’s death at the hands of a white supremacist - that’s the actual content, and no one’s reaction to them was hyperbolic.

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How do I ignore someone whose profile is hidden?

see above

No, people’s reaction to what happened in Pv7 was entirely justified. I was on vacation at the time and wasn’t able to even see what was happening until after that version was closed. But I think the moderation was entirely negligent in not reacting more strongly to Charlottesville more quickly, and I was pretty frustrated about it.

However, you’re talking about something from 2017 in a completely different froum, and I was talking about the content in the current P&S forum, which has only existed since April of last year.

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I didn’t realize my profile was hidden, but I’ve unhidden it for you.

In my view, we should ban people here based only on what they post here. If there’s a recognizably terrible poster from 22, I think we give them an incredibly short leash. (And in the case of luckbox, a zero leash insta-ban.) But I don’t think that someone’s moderating decisions should affect their ability to post here. Outside of talking about meta-moderation stuff, I think WN is generally a good poster.

I also think that the current P&S forum is terrible and definitely influences how I think about WN as a potential mod here.


You are making judgments about something while admitting to being ignorant about the most relevant facts about that thing. I don’t understand why you would do this. WN is not an innocent child in need of protection. This forum exists in large part because he sided with the white supremacist leadership of the old site.

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I have zero interest in moderating this forum. One is more than enough.

There better be 0.0 percent chance he’s ever a mod here. Fuck that.




Of course he could be a mod here. Basically anyone who wants to and is determined has a near free pass to modship.

@anon38180840 can you get started on setting up Unstuck2?


I don’t think this is true.

I think we should probably be thankful it’s not BroadwaySushi or Juan Valdez as the mods in a different reality.

They were closing that forum (and probably eventually opening another one) whether WN existed or not.


He doesn’t want to be a mod. I don’t think anyone will support him being a mod. I won’t.