LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

A gentleman champion of wealth inequality maybe. What was she doing, introducing BTS to sing a country-healing, awkward acapella version of Come Together?

Nancy Pelosi would really just like conservatives to please be nice to her.

Like hey Nancy, ya fucking dumbass, who do you think they were hanging first after Pence?


This does not, in fact, come as a surprise to me.

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The adult professionals, not disabled children

The fuck is wrong with you?

Apparently what’s wrong with me is I have no idea what you’re talking about.


He’s a sock puppet for the MPAA and RIAA.

She looks like she should be luring children to her gingerbread house in the woods; no doubt she’d be more effective at that than being a FUCKING US SENATOR

“Oooh yes, I’ve got Across The Aisle Chocolate Tiles and Minority Rule Sugar Jewels, Only Married Nookie Cookies and Voter Suppression Caramel Confections! Just take what you get and ask nothing of me, I’ve got all the candy you need, Gen Z!”


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this headline made me chortle. didnt this same network try to tell people for 4 years that presidents don’t have much if any control over the stock market’s performance? what an idiotic headline, what does it even serve to accomplish? hahahahaha burn this all down

The economic situation right now does make me wonder if the long-term outlook for Democrats may have somehow been better if dipshit had actually won a second term. The same supply issues and other post-pandemic stuff would be happening regardless, and he’d be eating the shit sandwich for gas prices and recession, because people are dumb and blame the president for all of it.

With four more years for Biden and some other dinosaurs to age out of their presidential window (and yeah this includes Bernie but we knew it was never happening for him unfortunately), maybe the party would be set up for 8 years of success under a stronger prospect. As it stands, we have another Carter administration that will lead into a total flip the other way.

I mean it’s not like the damage to the SC hadn’t already been done, so who even cares. If Trump were still in office now, Breyer probably just tries to gut it out, and the court is in the same spot it is now.


We are never having actual elections ever again after 2024.

I think the erosion of democracy would’ve been too severe to recover from, but yes I do agree a lot more with this than I would have 1.5 years ago.

good luck convincing voters that this is the result of disastrous trump era (and obama/bush too) policies that he largely doubled down on.

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Dems only hope is to message extremely well saying that, you know, maybe this is kind of Biden’s fault but it’s because he’s old and weak and that’s why they’re running Liz/Pete/Booker/Kamala/WhoeverTheFuck now… Combine that with Trump winning the nomination and maybe they’ve got a shot?

But luckily for the wealthy (damn they caught another break!) the eDems suck at messaging, almost like they’re… in on it.

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The sham elections might be really entertaining though. For the people that don’t get murdered in concentration camps.

Right, story checks out

They did their job, they know what their job is and it sure as fuck isn’t protecting liberal SCOTUS staffers.

Make sure you’re sitting down