LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

The economic situation right now does make me wonder if the long-term outlook for Democrats may have somehow been better if dipshit had actually won a second term. The same supply issues and other post-pandemic stuff would be happening regardless, and he’d be eating the shit sandwich for gas prices and recession, because people are dumb and blame the president for all of it.

With four more years for Biden and some other dinosaurs to age out of their presidential window (and yeah this includes Bernie but we knew it was never happening for him unfortunately), maybe the party would be set up for 8 years of success under a stronger prospect. As it stands, we have another Carter administration that will lead into a total flip the other way.

I mean it’s not like the damage to the SC hadn’t already been done, so who even cares. If Trump were still in office now, Breyer probably just tries to gut it out, and the court is in the same spot it is now.


We are never having actual elections ever again after 2024.

I think the erosion of democracy would’ve been too severe to recover from, but yes I do agree a lot more with this than I would have 1.5 years ago.

good luck convincing voters that this is the result of disastrous trump era (and obama/bush too) policies that he largely doubled down on.

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Dems only hope is to message extremely well saying that, you know, maybe this is kind of Biden’s fault but it’s because he’s old and weak and that’s why they’re running Liz/Pete/Booker/Kamala/WhoeverTheFuck now… Combine that with Trump winning the nomination and maybe they’ve got a shot?

But luckily for the wealthy (damn they caught another break!) the eDems suck at messaging, almost like they’re… in on it.

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The sham elections might be really entertaining though. For the people that don’t get murdered in concentration camps.

Right, story checks out

They did their job, they know what their job is and it sure as fuck isn’t protecting liberal SCOTUS staffers.

Make sure you’re sitting down

Because the system favors conservatives, obv

The crux of the dispute is how to define a dating partner for the purposes of the rule, and deciding what counts as a misdemeanor offense that subjects a person to losing access to a gun.

Republicans want a clear and limited definition that only includes serious long-term relationships, whereas Democrats say it must be able to cover abuse in various dating circumstances for it to matter.

I mean

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"Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said senators are crafting “a potential resolution of those issues on red flags that I think is absolutely doable.” He said it involves supporting “every possible way to intervene in crises before they produce violence.”

Murphy said, “Senator Cornyn wants to make sure that you know states that don’t choose to enact red flag laws still have access to funding for criminal justice investments and criminal justice reform. I’m sure we’ll be able to find a way to get that done.”

Translation: blue states are more likely to pass Red Flag laws, which would mean they would get more of the $. We can’t possibly have that, so we’ll just gut the condition so that red states can get the “mental health” money without having to change their gun access laws in any way [and we’ll probably allow pretty free reign on how the money is spent, so it will probably just end up going to more weapons for the cops]

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All the “mental health” money is going to cops, guaranteed.





What a meathead



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“I feel like I’ve lost a loved one,” one caller sighed on a recent afternoon, before turning angry. “This is a ploy by the left.”

The surprise sale of Radio Mambí — founded in the 1980s by Cuban exile businessmen and a fixture on Miami’s airwaves — has become a flash point in a larger debate about free speech and Spanish-language misinformation on radio, a medium that industry analysts say has far more resonance with Latinos than any other demographic group in the country.


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couldnt even get through that and just cancelled my nytimes sub, pure drivel

Samuel Moyn and the Mearshimer types are just the modern Neville Chamberlains of the world…cowards!

I’m no big fan of of Churchill in general but at least he knew to be hyper aggressive against actual massive assholes - instead of appeasing them bit by bit.

The article itself isn’t so bad. It’s pretty standard “if you go for the king you better not miss” which, no matter your opinion on Trump, indicting a former and/or future presidential candidate is doing that so the article itself isn’t so bad. Moyn’s comment really irked me because it really exemplifies the establishment Democrat fecklessness as savvy politics. If Trump is guilty of sedition then he needs to be tried, Democratic electoral weakness or not.