LOL Democrats - Tik Tok on the clock, but the party don't stop

What the fuck


Incredible pivot in the wake of Uvalde PDā€™s unimaginable failure. Forty percent of that cityā€™s budget goes to police, but yeah, more money will do it.

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Stacey Abrams got hacked?

My first thought as well. Wtf.

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Why doesnā€™t every cop go work in the liberal cities where the wages/benefits for cops are absurd?

I see nothing wrong with that tweet since Democrats run on promises they have no intention of keeping.

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When itā€™s for the cops, Democrats Deliver!

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Probably a miscalculation. The right is never going to stop hammering you, a Black person, for being anti-police. Just accept that this is a losing issue and nothing you say will be positive.

I mean, this was published after her tweet about how cops should get paid moreā€¦

As a minor and possibly irrelevant factual point, Georgia isnā€™t a place for cushy public sector jobs. Most metro Atlanta cops make $50-60k. APD officially maxes out at $72k, and the force is ~60% Black (greater than the overall population of Atlanta itself). The dynamics are often way different here than in the NY/LA/Chicago type places; after all, those low taxes arenā€™t for nothinā€™!


Told you guys she sucked in like 2019. No one wanted to listen.

I mean, she gave us Warnock and Ossoff over Perdue and Loeffler, and may be able to beat out Kemp herself. Thatā€™s some serious VORP, this isnā€™t Joe Manchin level.


We need to learn the difference between ā€œdisagrees with me on somethingā€ and ā€œsucksā€.


Agreed. She singlehandedly turned GA blue. Sheā€™s got a lifetime pass, imo. And even if she turns out to be wrong, I canā€™t be that mad.



AOC. Someone who mostly gets it for once.


My wife, who is about as unplugged from politics as you can be, is angrier at the democrats than the republicans today.


Rightfully so. I do have a Dem in my SM feeds today posting the Obama tweets and pro-RBG stuff and I honestly just donā€™t get it. They were the people who had the power to stop this you moron!

I just think itā€™s kind of useless to be angry at them. Itā€™s in the past and we canā€™t change it. We have to make plans and figure out how to move forward. AOC is right, we need better candidates, and for some reason, progressives and young people just like to fuck off around primary time and not bother to care or vote.

Also, it may take us 30 years (like it did for the Rs) but for fuckā€™s sake, our base needs to stop focusing on the presidency and other national races and start running for and taking over every local seat in the country. Iā€™ve been saying this for years and no one to the left of Liz Cheney ever seems to listen.

Run for school board and community planning group and water district and fucking dog catcher and city council and county supervisor.


I agree with all this. But the DemE people do everything they can to prevent decent people from winning primaries right?

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